Small Business Blog
daily small business software blog
:: Small Business Guide for
You're not alone if the thought of running
your own business has crossed your mind. Even
if your vision of a small business differs from
your neighbor's, you probably dream of being
your own boss and of providing a needed service
or creating a cool new product.
But your very first small-business decision
may be to admit that you're not ready for this
career - at least not yet. If you're straddling
the fence, Small Business For Dummies will uncover
whether this career works for you. You'll also
gain insight into getting your personal finances
in order before exposing yourself to the risk
of a new business, and discover how to draw
a roadmap to reach your career destination.
This easy-to-understand guide is also for those
who want to
Write a gang-buster business plan
Create the right legal framework for your business
Locate financing that suits your needs
Develop and market your product
Hire the right employees for the right jobs
Build your business
Youll also gain understanding of the tactical
side of running a small business, from pricing,
budgeting, business expansion, and complying
with government regulations.
more on Small Business for Dummies
:: What is Wiki
Wikis generally allow web pages to be
written, edited and created collectively in
a web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and
simple text. Most Wikis are open, and allow
any user the ability to edit the contents of
a Wiki web page. While some say this opens the
concept to abuse, Wiki moderators and self-policing
in the Wiki sector appear to be taking hold.
Wiki supporters generally feel that it is generally
easier to correct mistakes than create the content
from scratch. Wikipedia is a standing symbol
of what many would consider a succesful Wiki.
Complete Article - What is Wiki
:: Regional Statistical Information
for Targeting
For small businesses interested in targeting
specific regions this resource may prove invaluable:, a massive central
data source and a handy way to graphically compare
nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation
of data from such sources as the CIA World Factbook,
United Nations, World Health Organization, World
Bank, World Resources Institute, UNESCO, UNICEF
and OECD. Using the form above, you can generate
maps and graphs on all kinds of statistics with
:: Small Business
The Small Business Wiki is a community
project of
The Small Business Wiki is a wiki-model encyclopedia
of community-generated knowledge regarding all
aspects of starting and running a business.
This is knowledge from the grassroots and they
invite participation.
:: Nominate! The 2005 ClickZ
Marketing Excellence Awards
At ClickZ, it's about the marketing:
reaching the right audience, delivering the
right message, and achieving desired results.
But interactive marketers, more than their traditional
peers, can often attribute their successes and
failings to technology.
Whether you're involved in media planning, Web
site analytics, e-mail marketing, or search
engine marketing (SEM) management, technology
helps you to do your job better and more efficiently.
That's why we ask for your input as we evaluate
marketing tools -- along with campaigns, networks,
even blogs -- for the third annual ClickZ Marketing
Excellence Awards.
Nominate Companies
:: Small Business
There is an excellent article about
small business security on the small business
pipeline that all businesses should read:
By the time small businesses start worrying
about security, it's too late. We ignore risk
until threatened by an attack or natural disaster.
If we're lucky, the threat passes us by, and
we fall back into denial. If we're unlucky,
disaster hits, and it puts us out of business.
Denial about security is self-defeating because
the cost of loss is devastating. That's especially
true of small businesses, where profit margins
are often razor-thin.
I've had personal experience working in,
and near, companies that learned those lessons
the hard way. The lucky companies only lost
information of financial value. In one instance,
a security breach resulted in seven dead.
Read small business security
:: Developing Content Sites Article
Highly targeted, focused sites that
are related to specific market segments are
highly advantageous and can often be created
using existing web content. The key is to provide
Think of the time spent surfing the web gathering
resources and information. By creating a topic-centric
resource compiling information, webmasters are
providing a service or value. In many cases
that value is simply the compilation of topic-specific
information in a single resource. The compilation
of this information in itself is the value.
Developing Content Sites
:: 12 Regional Business-to-Business
Marketing Awards
Marketing Sherpa points out 12 regional
business marketing awards.
Details on 12 regional US BMA marketing awards,
including entry deadlines, fees, categories,
and a local contact for you if you have questions.
If you're a business-to-business marketer,
adding a Business Marketing Association to your
resume looks mighty fine. We've contacted the
BMA divisions throughout the US to find out
which host awards and get entry details for
Complete Article - 12 Business Awards
:: Very Funny - Google Content
Blocker Spoof
What is Google Content Blocker?
Google's mission is to organize the world's
advertising for maximum exposure to Web users.
Unfortunately, annoying Web content often overwhelms
the page, causing many users to become distracted
and overlook the ads.
That's where Google Content Blocker comes in.
It effectively blocks all Web site content,
leaving only the advertisements.
How does Google Content Blocker work?
After you install Google Content Block, just
surf the Web as you normally do. When we find
a site that has content, we will block that
content so you see only the ads. It all happens
automatically, with no effort on your part.
See Google Content Blocker
:: Press Release
New free resource to distribute press
releases. Press Release Spider is described as
a Press Release Search Engine with thousands
of press releases. Companies are encouraged
to submit their press releases for free.
:: Google AdSense Progression
The web has evolved into a complex "organism"
which, to some, appears to have a life of its
own. As the Internet has evolved, so too have
online marketers and publishers. The dot-com
balloon is said to have burst but savvy publishers
have grabbed the coat tails of the Google search
monster and employ Google AdSense on content-rich
websites. Google AdSense, a pioneer for providing
content-sensitive advertisements, has been a
boon to webmasters looking for alternatives
to amortize their web trafffic.
Google AdSense Progression
:: People's Choice
Software Awards!
The voting for the SIAF People's Choice
Awards has begun. You may encourage your users
and website visitors to vote for your applications.
Graphics to use on your web page can be found
and the link to associate with it is:
Voting will end at 12 Noon MDT on Tuesday May
31st. Winners will be announced at the Shareware Industry Awards Banquet.
:: Annual WebAward
The Web Marketing Association is pleased
to announce the international call for entries
for its 9th annual WebAward Competition.
It's time to be recognized for your outstanding
Web development work by winning a 2005 WebAward.
Beside the respect, recognition and admiration
of your peers, WebAward winners create a marketing
opportunity for the site that is recognized
and the firm that created it.
Over 90 Industry Categories will be Judged Including:
Advertising, B2B, Design, Entertainment, Marketing,
Media, Small Business and Much More.
A complete list of past winners and the entry
form for companies who wish to compete for 2005
honors can be found at
Judging for the WebAwards will take place in
July and August, and winners will be announced
in September 2005. Judges will consist of a
select group of Internet professionals.
The fee for each entry in the WebAward Competition
is $175, except for sites entered in the non-profit
category, which has been reduced to $75. Entry
fees are used to minimize the entry of low quality
web sites and help cover the costs of the competition.
:: Compare Google
and Yahoo for Keyword Phrases
Shareware Promotions recently posted
a link to which compares keyword
listings on Google to those on Yahoo. Creating
a grid of how sites rank. The domain is visible
by mousing over the dots that are connected
by the lines. Surprisingly most sites I've found
are # 1 in both engines, while the rest of the
links tend to criss-cross.
Give it a try by typing a phrase in
the "compare'em" box.
:: American Small Business Leagues
Advocacy Leads to Changes in Federal Small Business
Contracting Procedures
The American Small Business League welcomed
a recent set of changes in Federal small business
contracting procedures as long overdue, but
warned that significant problems remain.
The ASBL the only national organization defending
the interests of small businesses in the Federal
governments $60-plus billion small business
contracting program has advocated for these
and other changes since 2002. The Small Business
Act of 1953 directs that at least 23 percent
of federal government prime contracts go to
small business. But a host of abuses and loopholes
allow large companies to get many of these contracts.
The Defense Department alone awarded more than
$47 billion in small business contracts to
huge corporations between 1998 and 2003, according
to a 2004 report by the Center for Public Integrity.
The new changes attempt to close one of the
many loopholes that allow this to happen. On
April 22, the Small Business Administration
and several Federal agencies announced they
have revamped the small business designation
process in the Central Contractor Registration
(CCR) database. Federal agencies rely on the
CCR database to determine whether a contractor
qualifies as a small business.
:: Seven in 10 have
pondered starting their own business
The entrepreneurial spirit is alive
and well, according to a new survey of attitudes
toward starting a new business.
Seventy-two per cent of people surveyed by Yahoo
Small Business and Harris Interactive said they
have considered starting their own business.
And 75 per cent said the growth of the Internet
had made it easier to launch one.
Moreover, money is not the prime motivating
factor for this decision, according to the poll
of 2,290 adults in early April.
Twenty-eight per cent said they aspired to be
an entrepreneur in order to do work they love
or to integrate a passionate hobby into a career
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