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:: Legalities on the
Copyright protection for a web site
is just as enforceable as it is for traditional
media. U.S. copyright law states that electronic
filesincluding web filesare copyrighted the
moment they're put into a tangible form, even
if they're not on display to the general public.
Protected web files may include the site's content,
code, scripting, graphic images, sound and video
"One way to determine if your site's content
has been stolen is to use the search engines,"
said Matt Naeger, Vice President and General
Counsel at IMPAQT. "The primary way is to see
your copy in the search results. Copy-paste
an extended piece of text from your web site
and see what other web sites show up for that
same text. Typically two sites shouldn't legitimately
show up for the exact same web copy. I would
say I have seen higher rates of recidivism,
if you can show publication through the search
Complete Article - Legalities on the Web
:: RSS: News You Choose
Publishers and webmasters provide content
and news in an RSS feed. Users view the content
of interest in an RSS reader or news aggregator.
The aggregator or reader contains the collection
of feeds that are of interest to the user. As
the RSS feed is updated the content in the reader
or aggregator updates with the new information.
At any point, users can remove a feed from their
aggregator or reader and no longer receive information
from that source. Ultimately, the user is choosing
the news and content they wish to view.
As RSS has increased in popularity more and
more webmasters and publishers have adopted
RSS as an alternative communication stream.
Webmasters use an RSS graphic to indicate the
content is available via RSS.
Complete Article - RSS
News You Choose
:: Internet Fraud
Threatens Economy
Internet fraudsters, motivated by money
and armed with sophisticated technology, pose
an increased economic threat as they steal private
data from companies and individuals, the director
of the U.S. Secret Service said Thursday.
"There is no longer any doubt about that threat
... With just a few key strokes, (online fraudsters)
can disrupt our nation's economy," said Ralph
Basham at the RSA Security Conference in San
In addition to protecting the U.S. president,
the Secret Service also helps to protect U.S.
financial institutions.
Security analysts have warned that Internet
hackers, once motivated by the thrill of shutting
down computer systems, are joining forces with
organized crime groups as they seek to profit
from hacking into databases and stealing personal
data through a variety of tactics, like phishing.
Complete Article
:: 39% Of Small-Business Owners
Plan To Expand Through Use of Technology
Owners of smaller companies are less
worried about the economy than they were a year
ago, a new survey finds. Right now, about 31%
of business owners say the economy is their
biggest concern, according to a study commissioned
by small-business software maker Intuit Inc.
That's down from 36% last year.
Intuit hired independent market-research firm
Decipher to gauge the optimism of that sector
of the economy and to find out how companies
will fuel their growth.
A bit more than one-third of business owners
surveyed say they are, indeed, fixing to expand
their company. And more say they'll do it through
productivity-boosting business technology than
by hiring more people.
Fully 39% say they'll grow by buying new software
and hardware, 27% are depending on marketing
initiatives, and only 11% will expand their
The base of respondents comprised 755 owners
of companies with fewer than 250 workers that
had been open at least two years.
Article courtesy of InformationWeek
:: New York Times
The bidding is over and the winner has
been named. Word this afternoon that The NY
Times will become the new owner of
The Times will pay Primedia $410 million in
cash. was purchased by Primedia in
2000 for $610 million in stock.
:: Google is giving more weight
to latent semantic indexing
Latent semantic indexing helps search
engines to find out what a web page is all about.
It basically means to you that you shouldn't
focus on a single keyword when optimizing your
web pages and when getting links.
The web pages on your web site should be related
and focus mainly on a special topic while using
different words that describe the topic. Use
variations of your keyword and synonyms. That
makes it easier for search engines to determine
the topic of your site.
Complete Article
:: RSS Tools
Considering the ever-increasing support
for RSS in online communities, we have compiled
a list of resources and products that will benefit
webmasters, web surfers and publishers in their
quest to understand the power of RSS. RSS has
rapidly become an alternative communication
venue. In order to understand the full benefits,
consider utilizing some of the following tools
and resources.
Complete Article - RSS Tools
:: is for Sale and
There is Interest
The New York Times article:,
Primedia's Web Venture, Is for Sale, alerts
us to the fact that the property is
for sale but also that both Yahoo!, Google,
AOL, and The New York Times are bidding to purchase
the site.
Final bids must be received by today. According
to The Times, the asking price is $350 million
to $500 million.
:: Google loses trademark
case in France Published: February 4, 2005, 3:14
A French court on Friday ruled against
Google in a trademark infringement case brought
by Louis Vuitton Malletier, in the latest legal
setback to the search giant overseas.
The Paris District Court has sanctioned Google
and its French subsidiary from selling search-related
advertisements against trademarks owned by the
luxury fashion designer, which sued the search
giant in early 2004. The court charged Google
with trademark counterfeiting, unfair competition
and misleading advertising. Google was ordered
to pay $257,430
Complete Article
:: MSN Has Finally Launched Their
New Search Engine
Microsoft has finally launched their
new search engine. The new MSN has accepted
the task of challenging Google as the market
leader. After submitting sites and analyzing
rankings here are factors we believe are helpful
to obtain strong ranking in MSN.
Hyphenated Domains - domain names with
hyphenated keywords appear to perform well.
Sites Age - older sites tend to rank
Sites Size - bigger is better
Title - no big surprise it appears the
title meta tag is heavily factored into their
Description - the description appears
to influence some results
Incoming Links - while not as obvious
as many of those above it appears that incoming
links may play a factor in ranking
:: In the aftermath
of a catastrophic wave, entrepreneurs cook up
creative ways to help.
There was no champagne on New Year's
Eve at the Jericho, New York, offices of Integrated
Direct Marketing, but there was a good deal
of celebrating. Three of the marketing firm's
12 employees were working late on an e-mail
campaign for a longtime client, a men's Catholic
missionary group, the Oblates of Mary Immaculate,
which claims thousands of members in 71 countries.
What made the client, and its mission, so relevant
on this particular holiday is that the Oblates
happened to have more than 400 volunteers already
set up in offices in Sri Lanka, India, and Indonesia,
which had just days before been devastated by
a deadly tsunami that, to date, has killed more
than 150,000 people in coastal Asia.
In the days after the event, Integrated Direct's
employees, led by account executive Anthony
DeBetta, worked furiously to pull together an
online fundraising drive for the Oblates, who
were even better suited than volunteer groups
like the Red Cross to help out. And though it
was late on New Year's Eve, and DeBetta and
his team had planned to leave the office hours
before, their persistence paid off. The fundraising
campaign--directed at 26,000 people who had
already donated to the Oblates' cause--began
raising more than $1,000 an hour for tsunami
victims. By New Year's Day, says DeBetta, the
company had helped the missionary group raise
$15,000, and the effort is ongoing. DeBetta
says the goal is to help raise $250,000 by the
end of January.
Complete Article
:: Apple Edges Google as Top
Arabic media channel Al Jazeera has
been voted the world's fifth most influential
brand in a poll of branding professionals that
gave the top slot to U.S. iPod and computer
icon Apple.
In the survey of almost 2,000 ad executives,
brand managers and academics by online magazine
Brandchannel, Apple ousted search engine Google
from last year's top spot, but the surprise
to many will be Al Jazeera's entry into the
top five.
Complete Article
:: Determining Keywords
Determining keywords is a critical step
in web design. If your website and meta tags
do not contain related keywords, web surfers
will be unable to find your website when they
conduct searches.
The formula is a little tricky - you will need
to locate terms that are popular and relevant
to your site. These terms may or may not be
terms that *you* feel are relevant terms. The
optimal terms in a site should be terms that
a potential customer would use when searching
for a website with your content. In order to
achieve success your website should be optimized
with terms and phrases that are descriptive,
related to your content, and which receive a
significant amount of searches. The caveat,
of course, is that you want to find terms and
phrases where there is little competition, so
you quickly achieve high ranking in the important
search engines.
Complete Article - Determining Keywords
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