:: Affiliate Communication
March 31, 2004
A new article has just been added to the content
section of the SBS website. The article stresses
strong communication
with affiliates and resellers. Consider added
incentives for performing affiliates and maintain
regular contact inorder to support resale efforts.
:: PDFs
March 30, 2004
I stumbled across a really great utility recently.
It allows you to save data from any application
as a PDF. The download inserts an option into
your list of printers, when that printer is
selected the document is saved as a PDF. Very,
very impressive! The software is called PDF995
and it works like a charm.
If you have promotional product slicks, you
can convert them to PDFs and make them available
on your website.
:: WebSite Templates
March 28-29, 2004
If you need to spruce up the look of your website
consider using a template
as the framework. The template will give you
base graphics and the general layout. You need
to just drop in the content! By using a tool
like Dreamweaver and a template, you can create
the framework of site so that a template modification
will update every page on the site using that
template. This can be significant time saver
for large sites.
:: Backups!
March 26-27, 2004
As a small business, it is critical that you
maintain backups. Hard drives can crash, floods
or fire can cripple a small business. In addition
to nightly backups, a weekly backup that is
stored off site is practical. Keep in mind that
testing an occasional backup is a good habit.
Sometimes automated systems fail and ensuring
and verifying a backup will ensure that your
fall back system does not fail!
:: RSS Feeds
March 25, 2004
A number of news outlets and accept xml feeds,
also commonly known as RSS feeds. If you have
a collection of press releases or news about
your company create a feed, so that news outlets
will pick up the story. Check out the article
"The Making
of an RSS Feed".
:: Channels on Adsense
March 24, 2004
Google Adsense has implemented tracking that
allows webmasters to modify code to distinguish
"channels". The channels will allow
webmasters to track what sites, pages or domains
are performing in the Adsense program. The reporting
is delayed for 48 hours so webmasters have not
really been unable to evaluate how effective
the new program is, but the reporting enhancements
appear to be a step in the right direction.
:: New User Group Forum
March 23, 2004
We've added a new user
group forum has been added to Small
Business Software. User Groups can post speaker
requests, discount or door prize requests. Developers
can respond to requests or provide promotional
offers to user groups. User groups can also
post meeting dates. Keep in mind the more details
provided for readers the better!
:: What is Software Piracy?
March 20-21, 2004
A new article has been added to the free website
content section of the small business website.
piracy is a growing problem and anything
that can be done to make users aware of the
risks and negative repurcussions should be encouraged
and supported!
:: Blogging
March 19, 2004
Blogging can be a very effective way to generate
fresh website content. New content increases
the chance that your visitors will return. In
addition search engines take notice of websites
that update on a regular basis. There are a
number of blogging tools that are useful or
you can use a standard html editor and update
regularly. Read more about
:: PageRank
March 18, 2004
As someone pointed out in the forum
it appears that Google might be on the move
again. In the last 24-48 hours webmasters are
reporting hcnages to there pagerank. PageRank
is displayed in the Google toolbar and indicates
how many links point to a site and its relative
popularity. Google uses PageRank as part of
its algorithm to determine where sites appear
in the search results.
:: Small Business Forums
March 16 - 17, 2004
We are very pleased to announce the launch of
the new small
business forums! Please feel free to ask
and answer questions in the forum. There are
currently 5 areas available for posting. The
forums are explained and detailed below:
Search Engines Forum - Search
engine news, questions and answers. Forum aims
to assist small businesses with their online
search engine campaigns and optimization. Compete
with big business in the online world.
General Marketing Forum - General
marketing questions and answers for small business
owners and workers.
Business Question Forum - General
business related questions and answers for small
Software Developer Forum - Forum
for software developers to share ideas post
questions related to software development and
marketing. Followup discussions related to Software
Marketing News and Blog
Software Announce Forum - News
about new software releases, press releases
or news regarding software announcements.
At this time registration is not required.
Please feel free to join in the small business
discussion forums!
:: Exchanges
March 15, 2004
Many small businesses lack the advertising budgets
required to compete with large businesses. An
alternative to spending money on advertising,
is to barter or exchange ad space. Find a business
that is complimentary and offer a newsletter
exchange containing cross promotion. The distribution
numbers should be similar, in order for both
companies to benefit from the trade.
:: Yahoo's Mergers
March 13-14, 2004
I read a really great piece in Planet Ocean's
subscription based Search Engine News. The article
attempted to decipher what is happening with
the properties purchased by Yahoo, which now
include Overture, AltaVista, FAST and Inktomi.
Some of the article contained conjecture and
some contained prediction regarding Yahoo's
ultimate plan. The new plan clearly states that
the new Yahoo engine is a free crawler,
which means you don't have to pay to be indexed.
It appears the plan will mix paid inclusion
results with natural results (unpaid). It will
be interesting to see how this plays out as
the FCC expressed concerned in June of 2002,
requiring engines to distinquish between paid/unpaid
listings. The gist of the article indicates
that things will take a while to settle down
and before paying for inclusion webmasters ought
to try the free url submission.
Resource - Free
Yahoo Submission
:: Google Adsense
March 12, 2004
This new article addresses the ins and outs
of Google
Adsense, evaluate your site and determine
if Google could provide a healthy alternative
to failing affiliate programs. This article
is part of Small Business Software's free website
content series. If you would like to reprint
the article just be sure to retain the links
and author resource box. Articles are fast becoming
a great way to build and maintain website content.
:: Ask Jeeves
March 11, 2004
Ask Jeeves said that it is buying Interactive
Search Holdings, owner of several destination
sites including iWon, Excite and My Way, for
about $343 million in cash and stock. This acquisition
will double the market share, enhance their
ability to compete in the fast-growing search
:: Search Engine Survey
March 10, 2004
According to a recent Nielsen survey the search
engines used most frequently in the US are:
Google - 39 %
Yahoo - 30%
MSN - 30%
A similar survey conducted by Nielsen detailed
the search engines used most frequently by Europeans
Google - 47%
MSN - 23%
Yahoo - 11%
AOL - 5%
T-Online Suche 4%
Voila Search 3%
Lycos Europe - 3%
Just recently Yahoo started providing search
results independent of Google, this clearly
shows that webmasters need to consider optimization
for search engines other than Google.
:: Fresh Content
March 9, 2004
Blogs are great way to increase communication
with customers. A side effect to blogs are that
they provide fresh content for your website.
Sites that contain fresh updated content on
a regular basis, are spidered by the search
engines more often than sites with stale content.
Business can use web logs or online journals
to promote products announce promotions, solicit
beta testers and releases. Learn how to use
for businesses.
:: Promotional Items
March 8, 2004
Often businesses use promotional items to advertise
their products or services. Measuring the success
of such ad campaigns is difficult, but the concept
is quite popular. Surprisingly, the promotional
items are not often well thought out. When you
are determing what promotional items to distribute
try to find items with a long "shelf life".
If a large number of trade show attendees are
from out of town, stay away from items that
might pose a security risk for travelers, who
simply have a carry on bag. If the trade show
is large avoid heavy items that attendees will
tire of carrying. Try to find an item that is
unique, distinct that will be remembered along
with your company.
:: Google Alert
March 6-7, 2004
One of my absolute favorite resource is GoogleAlert.
allows you to enter keywords into the registry.
When the Google directory changes you receive
email notification of any directory changes,
showing the top 10 or 50 listings and how the
positions have changed.
:: Keyword Tools
March 5 , 2004
In addition to Overture's Keyword suggestion
tool consider a new site GuideBeam
. GuideBeam produces numerous phases within
subgroups that are similar to the initial term.
Yahoo changes - Yahoo has begun a "content
aggregation program" (CAP) designed to index
the billions of documents contained in public
databases but that are commonly inaccessible
to search engines, or what's called the invisible
or deep Web. To this end, it has aligned with
the Library of Congress, UCLA, National Public
Radio, the University of Michigan and Project
Gutenberg, among others, to begin seeding its
index with fresh, searchable material for Web
surfers' queries.
:: Website Content
March 3-4 , 2004
In order to stay in the forefront of search
engines and keep your visitors coming back you
need to provide fresh website content in a timely
fashion. This can often be a struggle for small
businesses. A solution can be found by using
syndicated articles. Often writers will create
articles that can be used free of charge in
e-zines or on websites. In order to use the
content the webmaster need only to retain a
resource box (or an about the author box) giving
credit to the author of the piece. We've just
added a section of articles available for syndication.
Feel free to use any of the articles
listed for your website, but please keep
links active and the resource box intact!
:: Newsgroups
March 2 , 2004
Forums and newsgroups are a great source of
business. Particpate in newsgroups that relate
to your industry profession. Provide insightful
well thought out advice, to questions where
you *know* the answers. Maintain your professional
image, and above all else do not react in a
negative fashion. Eventually you will be seen
as an industry expert and with a little luck
and a strong signature line, newsgroup participants
may become customers.
:: Search Engine News
March 1 , 2004
Yahoo, as promised, dumped Google. The vast
majority understood that Google would be replaced
by Inktomi's pay per inclusion results but that
appears to be only partially true. While currently
it appears Inktomi is feed Yahoo, that is scheduled
to change after April 15, 2004. Apparently there
will be a new pay per inclusion service that
will feed the new Yahoo Slurp engine. It is
unclear how similar Yahoo Slurp is to Inktomi
or what the results will be like. Stay tuned
for details of another shake-up mid April.