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daily small business software blog
:: Gmail Security Hole
October 31, 2004
In an Interview with Nana NetLife Magazine,
a hacker exposed security holes in Google's
So youve got a Gmail mail account? Or maybe
youve just received an invitation? Well, we
have some bad news for you: Your mail box is
A major security hole in Google's mail service,
allows full access to user accounts, without
the need of a password. "Everything could get
publicly exposed your received mails might
be readable, as well as all of your sent mail,
and furthermore anyone could send and receive
mail under your name", thus reveals Nir Goldshlagger,
an Israeli hacker, on an exclusive interview
with Nana NetLife Magazine. "Even more alarming",
he explains, "is the fact that the hack itself
is quite simple. All that is needed of the malicious
hacker, beside knowledge of the specific technique,
is quite basic computer knowledge, the victim's
username and thats it, he's inside".
When approached, Google admitted to the security
flaw. Google also assured us that this matter
is being resolved, and that "the company will
go to any length to protect its users". Full
:: Giving it
October 29, 2004
Offering a lite free version is a great way
to attract attention to your product line. Free
products generate interest and good will. Once
you have a prospective customers attention you
can often communicate additional offerings or
interest them in an advanced version or additional
products. Use a free version as the lure.
:: SurfSaver Saves Time and
Prevents Clutter
October 28, 2004
I recently decided that it was time
to move away from a paper laden office. Now
you have to understand my habits, I find something
interesting, I print it. When I have time I
sort through my stacks of printed material and
either dig deeper into items of interest or
toss them. Hence my office is constantly in
a state of disarray. The first thing I did was
to download SurfSaver, a program that claims
to save & search web pages instantly. I figured
that I would store web pages of interest in
SurfSaver rather than printing a copy. I didn't
expect the added bonus of being able to search
the documents. What I've found is that SurfSaver
not only got rid of my huge stacks of paper
but that I can now *find* what I'm looking for!
SurfSaver imbeds itself right into Internet
Explorer. You simply click a little icon to
save the web page into a designated folder.
You can index and describe the page to make
it easier to find at a later date and time.
The settings are customizable, allowing you
to optionally save graphics and to determine
the depth of links you want saved on each web
As I've been using the software the possibilities
for expanding the initial intended use have
gotten me to thinking. I can save online reviews,
archive old versions of websites, capture hardcopies
of sites copying content, and easily organize
new resources for research projects. I've also
decided that SurfSaver is perfect for students
doing research, who have difficulty keeping
track of bibliographical sources! Great software
for getting organized, saving time and increasing
SurfSaver -
:: Fear of Corporate
October 27, 2004
Very interesting piece about corporate
blogging, by Charlene Li from Forrester.
The piece discusses corporate fear, and why
businesses are leary to jump on the blogging
band wagon. Have a look -
"Ive been watching the blogging phenomenon
for a while, but to experience it personally
and to see the impact it can quickly have
is still astounding. So, yes, there are a
lot of barriers companies need to overcome,
but I also see some pretty big benefits. "
remainder of blog
:: Not All Business Owners
Keep Slavish Hours
October 26, 2004
A study shows that the average small-business
owner works 52 hours a week. But behind the
averages is another story.
For most entrepreneurs, owning a small business
means working longer hours than everybody else.
The average small-business owner works 52 hours
a week, according to a 2000 study by New York
marketing firm Willard & Shullman. Meanwhile,
May figures from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
indicate that the average American production
employee puts in 34.2 hours.
Behind the averages is another story. Seventeen
percent of the business owners in the Willard
& Shullman study reported working fewer than
39 hours a week. That's close to the employees'
average, and some entrepreneurs say they work
quite a lot fewer than 39 hours. more
of the article
:: Inc. Has a
October 24, 2004
Even the well known business magazine has begun
publishing a business
blog. Of course they incorporate the standard
disclaimer - "the opinions of individual
Fresh Inc. contributors don't necessarily reflect
the editorial position of Inc. magazine as a
:: RSS Resources
October 22, 2004
Specifications - a comprehensive
rss reference detailing everything you need
to know about RSS. RSS is an acronym for Really
Simple Syndication and Rich Site Summary. RSS
is an XML-based format for content distribution.
Webmasters create an RSS file containing headlines
and descriptions of specific information. While
the majority of RSS feeds currently contain
news headlines or breaking information the long
term uses of RSS are broad. RSS files are formed
as XML files and are designed to provide content
summaries of news, blogs, forums or website
:: Forum Postings
October 20, 2004
We've recently expanded the listing of Forums
in the Small
Business Forum directory. If you are
looking at being involved in an online business
community, forums are a great place to start.
Be sure that you adhere to the TOS or forum
terms of service. Only post appropriate content
and follow any link and signature restrictions
set forth by forum moderators. Sometimes it
is a good idea to watch a forum for a few days
before posting. This will give you a sense of
the forum decorum. ;-)
:: Content Syndication
October 18-19, 2004
Is All About Content Syndication
- New websites are being launched daily.
In order to compete, webmasters need to find
alternative ways of producing themed websites.
Highly focused articles are often sought by
wembasters. Why? Because content on the web
is still king! In order to attract search engines
and site visitors, webmasters rely heavily on
providing new, innovative and fresh content.
:: Web Design
October 16, 2004
There is a really fabulous post in the Shareware
Promotions blog about website design and how
its so important to portray a professional image.
You only have the first few seconds to grab
the interest of the visitor. Take a look at
the Web
Site Design tips.
:: Software Piracy
October 15, 2004
The study, released earlier this week
by the BSA, confirms that almost one in four
businesses (23 percent) runs software without
licenses in the workplace. Yet, paradoxically,
89 percent of the 1500 professionals polled
agree that illegal software is "a risk no business
can afford to take."
Why do the do it? What are the industry implications?
How can software companies safeguard against
piracy... Read
:: Google Print
October 14, 2004
Google's mission is to organize the world's
information and make it universally accessible
and useful. Since a lot of the world's information
isn't yet online, we're helping to get it there.
Google Print puts the content of books where
you can find it most easily; right in Google
search results. To use Google Print, just search
on Google as you normally would. For example,
do a search on a subject such as "Books about
Ecuador Trekking," or search on a title like
"Romeo and Juliet." Whenever a book contains
content that matches your search terms, Google
will show links to that book in your search
results. Click on the book title and you'll
see the page that contains your search terms,
as well as other information about the book.
You can also search for other topics within
the book. Click "Buy this Book" and you'll go
straight to a bookstore selling the book online.
Right now Google is just beta testing this
program, so you may not see books in your results
for every search. But you can expect to see
more and more books popping up in your search
results in the coming months
:: Search Engines Strategies
October 13, 2004
Search Engine Strategies Conference
& Expo -- The Premier Event for Search Engine
Marketing & Optimization After our recent hugely
successful show in San Jose, Search Engine Strategies
Conference & Expo is making its way to Chicago.
Make plans to attend December 13-16 at McCormick
Place, Lakeside Center, Chicago! Register by
November 30th and save $100 - for more information
call (203) 662-2857 or visit
"Search" is the hottest topic in marketing.
Period. Millions of Internet users turn to search
engines each day. Are they finding you? Search
Engine Strategies ensures they will. Organized
by recognized search authority Danny Sullivan,
only Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo
gives you the actionable information you need
to grow your business through search engine
marketing. At this intensive four-day event,
you'll learn the ins-and-outs of search engine
marketing from top experts in the field and
from the search engines themselves.
Search Engine Strategies also provides a unique
setting to network with fellow marketers and
search engine industry professionals and discuss
the trends in search engine marketing.
:: Blogging for
October 12, 2004
Blogging for dollars might sound like the latest
game show or some new drinking game, but it's
the latest craze to hit the Internet. Bloggers
began blogging for a number of reasons, but
as the blog movement has increased in popularity,
they have found ways to monetize their blogs
and are seeing their commitment pay off. Find
out how to Blog
for Dollars
:: Top Trends in Design - Article
October 11, 2004
There is a fascinating article detailing
advertisement trends. Its really an interesting
look of what appeals to customers, and trends
that have taken hold in the world of online
advertising. The general fundamentals still
hold, using imagery to convey feelings. Really
interesting how the business world uses techniques
and technology to encourage customers to part
with cash.
:: Business Wire
October 9, 2004
Wire Services -
Wire provides comprehensive distribution
of corporate press releases and media advisories
directly to leading newspapers, broadcast outlets,
newswires, consumer and trade publications,
analyst terminal systems, Web sites and online
databases around the globe. Find out what companies
from the Fortune 500 to emerging start-ups already
know: quality distribution, world-class client
service and affordable pricing make Market Wire
an unbeatable value.
Wire - Business Wire disseminates full-text
news announcements from thousands of companies
and organizations worldwide (our members) to
news media, financial markets, disclosure systems,
investors, information web sites, databases
and other audiences. With more than four decades
of experience and leadership, Business Wire
is a trusted source for journalists, investors,
regulatory agencies, and communications professionals.
In fact, Business Wire enables companies to
fulfill the disclosure requirements in many
countries, including the US, UK, Canada, France
and Germany as well as reach financial audiences
around the globe.
- PrimeZone Media Network is a press release
newswire and multimedia service with one of
the world's most extensive distribution networks.
Newswire - Canada NewsWire resource for
time-critical news and information from more
than 10,000 sources coast to coast and around
the world. Public companies, associations, unions,
not-for-profits, municipal, provincial and federal
governments all rely on CNWs unique multi-media
communication services and networks to effectively
send their messages to newsrooms, the financial
community and the public.
Newswire - News release wire service for
public interest news sources, providing unparalleled
distribution of news to print, broadcast and
online media worldwide since 1986.
:: Privacy Policy
October 8, 2004
Does your Web Site collect information?
Does your Web Site post a privacy policy? If
not, post one today. Consumers are looking at
Web Sites to determine how well business protects
consumer privacy. The first thing they look
for is a prominently posted and clearly written
privacy policy. If you need help drafting your
organization's privacy policy, use these free
privacy policy generators. These Web-based
tools will walk you through step-by-step the
key elements that need to be in your privacy
policy and will produce one based on your responses.
:: EPIC - Electronic
Privacy Information
October 7, 2004
is a public interest research center in Washington,
D.C. It was established in 1994 to focus public
attention on emerging civil liberties issues
and to protect privacy, the First Amendment,
and constitutional values. EPIC publishes an
award-winning e-mail and online newsletter on
civil liberties in the information age the
EPIC Alert. They post information about privacy
policies and businesses. Very interesting!
:: Cluster Search Engine
October 6, 2004
Vivisimo has just launched a beta cluster
search engine, Clusty. Clusty automatically
organizes search or database query results into
meaningful hierarchical folders completely on-the-fly,
out-of-the-box. It cleanly interfaces with any
search engine or document database, transforming
long lists of search results into categorized
information without any clumsy pre-processing
of the source documents.
:: Search Engine
October 5, 2004
Overture also added some new budgeting features
that are supposedly designed to help you control
your monthly spending. Based on the amount of
money you specify as your daily budget, you'll
have the option of spreading the appearance
of your displayed listings throughout the day.
The idea is to help you maintain a constant
traffic flow as opposed to using up all your
clicks early in the day.
On September 14th, Yahoo announced their intent
to a acquire Musicmatch, Inc., a provider of
music software and services. Purchase price
160 million dollars! While this may not be
an issue to most online businesses in regards
to search engine positioning, it does signal
that Yahoo is intent on diversifying their online
presence into competitive retail channels.
On September 23rd, LookSmart announced their
acquisition of Furl's flagship product
allows users to Save a permanent copy of articles,
pages and receipts all with a single click
and then search and share that data through
email, RSS, or via your own site.
:: Internet Communication Methods
October 4, 2004
How do we keep Internet communication
simple? Let's start by taking a look at the
different methods used to communicate on the
web. It is important to understand the nuances
and benefits of the different forms.
Internet communication is intrinsically tied
to the hardware options available. Wireless
technology has accelerated the development of
messaging software, opening the market to a
dizzying array of devices for web access. Where
we were once tied to a keyboard and mouse, we
will soon be navigating the web with our voices
from a moving automobile, or browsing via screens
in our eyewear, with tiny cameras reading our
eye movements to move the cursor and make selections.
Our interactive conversations will include more
and more participants at once. Evaluating the
many options and choosing what works best for
you is the first step to effectively communicating
on the web. Article on Internet
:: Website Usability
October 1, 2004
I recently attended a conference related to
online marketing. There was a fabulous presentation
about using websites as a sales tool. The presentation
touched a number of obvious items, but also
delved into the thinking of the visitors and
the small things that can be done to capture
their interest. The website
as a sales tool power point can be viewed
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