Small Business Blog
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:: Internet Advertising Competition
The Web Marketing Association is now
accepting entries for the 2006 Internet Advertising
Competition Awards. The IAC Awards are the first
and only industry-based advertising award competition
dedicated exclusively to online advertising.
Awards will be presented within each of the
industry categories and advertising formats
such as online ad, rich media online ad , email
message, online newsletter campaign, microsite/landing
page, integrated ad campaign and of course ads
the client didn't choose. All will be judged
on creativity, innovation, impact, design, copywriting,
and use of the medium.
The Competition Web site is located at and the deadline
for entry is January 31, 2006.
:: Axandra Tackles
the Sticky Google Analytics Issue
Should you use Google Analytics or
should you stay away from it?
Why is Google Analytics free? Does Google have
to give money away? Of course not. Google will
find ways to monetize this service. There is
no such thing as free lunch. Everything, even
what is seemingly free, must be paid for by
somebody in some way.
Google already knows a lot of things about you.
If you also use their new tracking service,
you will tell Google how much you earn, when
you earn it, which products you sell, how often
you sell them, how much you spend for ads on
other sites and you will reveal much more information
about your online business.
Ask yourself if you want Google to know that
much about you and your company. Do you really
want to share your revenue information with
a company that also wants your advertising dollars?
Do you want to share your revenue information
with any other company at all?
More Details
:: Google Analytics
Google Analytics is live. Google
purchased Urchin, a web analysis company, back
in March. Looks like they managed to bust that
$199 a month service fee down to nothing. That's
right, the tools are free! Sprinkle the JavaScript
tracking code across your pages, then get access
to a full suite of analytical tools: track adwords
ROI, track keywords from any search tool, track
incoming links from anything...
The real question is what will Google do with
the aggregate tracking information from their
"free" service.
:: Create Web Buttons
Located a source to create free glassy web buttons. Other web
design resources and free online button generators.
:: Understanding Web Directories
Web directories are an important component
to search engine positioning. Directories come
in all shapes and sizes, some are generic, while
others are highly specialized. Directories,
are defined as categorized topics or collections
of information organized into a tree like structure
where categories are used to define each groups
Large directories like Yahoo tend to have general
themes and may charge for listings. While smaller
niche directories like offer
free listings and profit from advertising revenue
or pay per click models like Google AdSense.
Understanding Web Directories
:: Develop Quality
Content and Rule the Web
The age old question keeps coming up,
how do you retain website visitors, how do you
make visitors return to your website? The answer
should come as no surprise, fresh content. Content
is truly king, the fresher the content the better
the site. What many webmasters fail to realize
is that there is an endless supply of content
on the web that is freely available to webmasters.
Not only can public domain material be freely
used and syndicated on websites, but a number
of content publishers provide content in exchange
for a link back to their websites. A variety
of contents related to the website theme that
is integrated into the website will attract
the interest of both search engines and web
surfers. The key to taking advantage of free
content is integrating or including content
that is directly related to the theme of the
Content is King
:: Great SEO Newsletter
The Axandra search engine optimization newsletter
gets straight to the heart of Google's recent
Jagger algorithm update.
:: Inside Track On
Press Release Optimization
A lot of press releases seem to be
written by budding poets or ex-ad copywriters
trying to be clever with the reader. This does
not always bode well for keyword based ranking
in algorithmic news and search engines.
On the other hand, press release spam is
on the rise and many releases are being distributed
with a bare minimum, if at all, editorial review.
Both gimmicky and keyword stuffed press releases
reduce the credibility of the wire service and
the chances of your news being taken seriously.
So, what to do? Write a plain jane release
that does not stand out, or stuff that sucker
like a turkey with keywords galore? A talented
writer should be able to incorporate keywords
into a press release as well as satisfy any
creative requirements for a compelling read.
This is the "art" of press release optimization
and also of web page optimization.
Press Release Optimization
:: Jagger 3 is Visible
Google's latest algorithm update known
as Jagger is now complete
According to Matt Cutts Jagger 3 is now visible
on . It has been
reported that there will be minor tweaks but
the major updates are complete.
Things worth noting (personal observations)
take them with a grain of salt:
1. Aged domains are performing well.
2. Domains with keywords in them are performing
3. Google's sandbox is still in effect.
:: Small search engines
find profitable niches
While Google, Yahoo and other major
internet companies try to dominate mass-market
search, smaller competitors are carving profitable
niches in sectors their larger contemporaries
are ignoring.
Convera, which has provided high-end search
services for government agencies and businesses,
on Tuesday launches Excalibur, a white-label
vertical search product aimed initially at markets
such as media and publishing, health and life
sciences and financial services.
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