Small Business Blog
daily small business software blog
:: Review of Social Bookmarking
PC Magazine posted an interesting review of Social Bookmarking and it's
impact on Web 2.0. Long term if surfers are
determining quality Content will truly be king.
Somewhere between Web and desktop search
engines lies a new breed of "community" search
engines—sites where users share among themselves
the bookmarks they've created and content they've
encountered. Such sites can cut through the
clutter that a typical Google search might return
by adding the human element.
:: Expanded AdWords
Invites have gone out to AdWords advertisers
asking them to create longer ad copy. The copy
lengths are 110, 140, and 200 characters. Google's
initial studies show longer copy results in
a higher click through rate.
More on Google AdWords
More on Google AdSense
:: Online Backlink Tool
WeBuildPages has posted an interesting
online web tool that traces unique backlinks
and the anchor text used. Simply enter the url
and the site produces a listing of the backlinks
along with the text used to link to the site.
Backlinks Tool
:: Google Helps Snare
Suspected Murderer
A realtor in Ohio used Google to search
for information on a prospective tenant, and
found the applicant's boyfriend was a wanted
man. in Columbus reported the capture of
one of America's Most Wanted in a case where
a 51-year old man was killed by a suspected
drunken driver in May 2004.
:: Wikipedia founder admits
to serious quality problems
Yes it's garbage, but it's delivered
so much faster!
Encouraging signs from the Wikipedia project,
where co-founder and ĂĽberpedian Jimmy Wales
has acknowledged there are real quality problems
with the online work.
Criticism of the project from within the
inner sanctum has been very rare so far, although
fellow co-founder Larry Sanger, who is no longer
associated with the project, pleaded with the
management to improve its content by befriending,
and not alienating, established sources of expertise.
(i.e., people who know what they're talking
Meanwhile, criticism from outside the Wikipedia
camp has been rebuffed with a ferocious blend
of irrationality and vigor that's almost unprecedented
in our experience: if you thought Apple, Amiga,
Mozilla or OS/2 fans were er, ... passionate,
you haven't met a wiki-fiddler. For them, it's
a religious crusade.
Complete Article - Wikipedia Results
:: Sloganize...
Very funny sloganizer! Simply enter
a word or phrase and it will be sloganized and displayed in large characters
:: What is Creative Commons?
Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization
that allows artists, authors, publishers and
musicians the option of creating and defining
a flexible copyright for their creative works.
Creative Commons was officially launched in
2001 by a group of intellectual property experts,
lawyers and web publishers. Creative Commons
licenses cover art, music, and writing, but
is not designed for software.
A Creative Commons license allows creators to
place conditions on their copyrights.
Complete Article - What
is Creative Commons
:: What Goes in a
Business Blog
Tim Yang has a good blog about what
kinds of content small business owners should
include in a blog.
Issues the company itself is dealing with
New product ideas
Marketing ideas
Small business issues
Practical tips
References and links to other articles
As well as:
Letters from readers/customers
Solicitations for feedback on product issues
Solicitations for feedback on marketing issues
Consumer/Customer meetups
Reviews of related books/websites/articles (RevenueRoundtable)
Industry/ethics issues (RevenueRoundtable)
Social issues (SkyeCreative)
Consumer issues (RevenueRoundtable)
New products (DenaliFlavors)
New press coverage (DenaliFlavors)
Announcements of new clients
Announcements of new locations/outlets
Announcements of new employees
Announcements of new partners or suppliers (SkyeCreative)
Conferences and other upcoming events that business
representatives will attend
Customer/Service policy changes or new policy
Case studies
:: Targeted Ads Go Live with
Yahoo has just announced that the beta
version of its new Yahoo! Publisher Network
is finally available. The Yahoo competitive
reply to the wide dominance Google AdSense for
the delivery and distribution of the Long Tail
of ads. That is advertisements from small and
medium sized publishers targeted for delivery
through micro, small and medium sized blogs
and web sites.
:: Interesting Analysis
of Outsourcing Business Plans
Planware makes a compelling argument for businesses
NOT to outsource their business plan.
Compelling reasons as to why a startup should
never outsource the preparation of its business
It's the process of creating the plan that's
important not the end document. When you share
your business plan with an investor or venture
capital firm, they want to see something coherent
and learn about a smart business, but just as
importantly, they want to know that your team
can sit in a room and hammer out a single, unified
vision of your company, one that covers all
the major bases, from marketing to defending
your intellectual property, cost of sales analysis
to partnership ideas.
:: The 10th Annual Webby Awards
Kicks Off Call for Entries
Capping a decade that saw the web change
the way the world works and lives, The 10th
Annual Webby Awards today kicked off its annual
call for entries with new blog, podcast, and
video categories that reflect the web's expanding
Proclaimed "the online equivalent of an Oscar"
by the New York Times (June 21, 2005), The Webby
Awards is the leading international honors for
web sites and the innovators behind them. To
get in the running for the 10th Annual Webby
Awards, companies, agencies, organizations,
and individuals must enter online at The early
entry deadline is October 28.
"The 10th Annual Webby Awards represent an extraordinary
opportunity to celebrate the evolution of the
web from an esoteric medium to the driving force
shaping popular culture, business, and society
today," said Tiffany Shlain, founder of The
Webby Awards. "As the web enters its second
decade as an integral part of everyday life,
our expanded categories recognize those who
are pushing the web in exciting new directions."
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2004 Blog