:: Twitter Tweets
Tweeting on Twitter is one of the newest business
marketing trends. Using the following tips will help you
better manage your tweeting for the benefit of your business...
:: Audit Tips for Small
No one likes to be the center of an audit, but
small businesses that deal primarily in cash may find themselves
under the IRS scrutiny more often than other companies.
The IRS realizes that a considerable amount of cash income
is not reported on small businesses tax returns. In turn,
it has developed techniques to uncover hidden stores of
cash. Here is what they look for:
:: Romney Makes Small Business Promises
Mitt Romney promised members of the nation's small
business lobby on Wednesday that, if elected, he would shut
down health care reform, reduce taxes and tackle regulations.
Small Business Promises
:: Greening a Business
Getting more energy efficient is another way to
save the Earth while saving money too. NRDC recommends taking
advantage of the fact that most utilities offer free or
inexpensive energy audits, whereby an engineer examines
operations and provides a report about how to save on energy
costs. Turning off lights and electronics at the end of
the work day can save bundles of energy.
a Business
:: Data Security
Fortunately, there are simple tips to get you started
on protection, but you must act quickly. Waiting to take
action could threaten your firms survival and may have untold
:: Learn from Startups
You might already understand how to scale your
business model profitably. But if you have any doubts about
the product offering—whether people will buy it, whether
it has a place in the marketplace, etc.—then you are clearly
working on a startup.
This is a critical distinction, because the tactics and
goals of a startup are entirely different from those of
a company.
from Startups
:: Professional Royalty Free Stock Photos
Professional royalty
free stock photos for only $.99 each. Simply select
and download professional
images and photos.

Images can be used in web design, product brochures, CD
covers, and more!
:: Need Ideas for Business
Blog Posts?
Coming up with ideas for new blog posts on a regular
basis can be a challenge, even for the most prolific writers.
Experience shows that readers tend to favor certain types
of posts more than others. Here are some popular types of
blog posts that you might want to use for those times when
inspiration simply does not strike.
Lists are loved by readers. Top 10 lists, lists of top resources,
lists of tools, lists of important dates, etc. Really, just
about any type of list will tend to be very popular with
blog readers. And you can easily craft lists from popular
posts and other resources.
for Blogs
:: Need Business Cards?
Professionally designed business
cards that can be customized to suit your needs. Select
card designs by theme or industry. The business
cards are inexpensive and high-quality.

:: Blog Promotion Tips
There are a wide variety of things you can do in
regard to blog promotion. Here are just a few...
1. Optimize
Optimize the blog using standard search engine optimization
techniques, so that it performs well in the organic rankings
of the various search engines.
Promotion Tips
:: Podcasting Bundle
Now you have decided to podcast do you need tools
to get the job done? We recommend the Podcasting
and FeedForAll
makes it simple to record audio files, layer audio files,
edit audio files and publish podcast feeds.
The podcasting
software bundle is a complete podcasting solution!
:: Learn About Podcasting
Podcasting is the process of creating an audio
show of some sort available in MP3 format via an RSS 2.0
feed that supports enclosures. Podcasts are designed to
include talk shows, tutorials, music, or other audio content.
All About Podcasting!
:: Great Professional Logo Designs
If you need a professional logo checkout the logo
designs available at Logo
You can modify the logo designs to meet your business needs
and add your company name. Logos are only $9.95. The download
includes logos that are 1200 x 1200 pixels and five formats
including: .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .and .tif.

:: Customer Testimonials
and Profiles
Testimonials are essentially 3rd-party endorsements
for a product or service. Potential customers will often
look for testimonials when faced with a purchasing decision.
Customer testimonials can increase sales closing rates by
removing uncertainty and instilling confidence in the customer.
Additionally, testimonials that describe solutions for real-life
problems can be very well received by others that may be
struggling with similar issues.
Testimonials and Profiles
:: Disaster Prep Statistics
Half of small businesses have not taken action
to prepare for disasters that are prone to happen in their
areas, according to a new survey from FedEx Corp. and the
American Red Cross. In addition, slightly more than half
51% have not practiced evacuations or other emergency drills,
and almost half 47% have not communicated employee roles
for the business in a disaster.
Further, while 40% of small businesses do not believe they
could fully recover within six months if their business
was completely destroyed in a disaster, fewer than one third
29% of those surveyed are prepared if a disaster disrupts
their business for just one month.
Additionally, the majority of small businesses may not fully
realize how a disaster could impact one of their greatest
resources—their employees. Seventy-seven percent have
not taken steps to encourage employees to create disaster
preparedness plans for their homes and families.
:: Disaster Prep for Small
It is not just large businesses that are looking
to cutting-edge technologies such as virtualization, cloud
computing and mobile devices to beef up their
disaster preparedness capabilities. A significant number
of small- and medium-size businesses are adopting these
innovations as well, a new survey shows. And the move is
paying off for them.