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:: Need Ideas for Business
Blog Posts?
Coming up with ideas for new blog posts on a regular
basis can be a challenge, even for the most prolific writers.
Experience shows that readers tend to favor certain types
of posts more than others. Here are some popular types of
blog posts that you might want to use for those times when
inspiration simply does not strike.
Lists are loved by readers. Top 10 lists, lists of top resources,
lists of tools, lists of important dates, etc. Really, just
about any type of list will tend to be very popular with
blog readers. And you can easily craft lists from popular
posts and other resources.
for Blogs
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Professionally designed business
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:: Blog Promotion Tips
There are a wide variety of things you can do in
regard to blog promotion. Here are just a few...
1. Optimize
Optimize the blog using standard search engine optimization
techniques, so that it performs well in the organic rankings
of the various search engines.
Promotion Tips
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:: Learn About Podcasting
Podcasting is the process of creating an audio
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feed that supports enclosures. Podcasts are designed to
include talk shows, tutorials, music, or other audio content.
All About Podcasting!
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:: Customer Testimonials
and Profiles
Testimonials are essentially 3rd-party endorsements
for a product or service. Potential customers will often
look for testimonials when faced with a purchasing decision.
Customer testimonials can increase sales closing rates by
removing uncertainty and instilling confidence in the customer.
Additionally, testimonials that describe solutions for real-life
problems can be very well received by others that may be
struggling with similar issues.
Testimonials and Profiles
:: Disaster Prep Statistics
Half of small businesses have not taken action
to prepare for disasters that are prone to happen in their
areas, according to a new survey from FedEx Corp. and the
American Red Cross. In addition, slightly more than half
51% have not practiced evacuations or other emergency drills,
and almost half 47% have not communicated employee roles
for the business in a disaster.
Further, while 40% of small businesses do not believe they
could fully recover within six months if their business
was completely destroyed in a disaster, fewer than one third
29% of those surveyed are prepared if a disaster disrupts
their business for just one month.
Additionally, the majority of small businesses may not fully
realize how a disaster could impact one of their greatest
resources—their employees. Seventy-seven percent have
not taken steps to encourage employees to create disaster
preparedness plans for their homes and families.
:: Disaster Prep for Small
It is not just large businesses that are looking
to cutting-edge technologies such as virtualization, cloud
computing and mobile devices to beef up their
disaster preparedness capabilities. A significant number
of small- and medium-size businesses are adopting these
innovations as well, a new survey shows. And the move is
paying off for them.
:: Integrated Marketing
Integrated marketing can mean different things
to different people and in different markets. But in general,
its about managing marketing through multiple channels to
create a single message.
:: Longer Hours and More
If you work for a small business there is a good
chance that, since the recession, you have taken on additional
responsibilities and are working longer hours. Some of the
work that used to be done by fellow employees may be getting
farmed out to freelancers or other independent contractors.
:: Small Business Stats
According to Entrepreneur Magazine there are between
25 million and 27 million small businesses in the U.S. that
account for 60 to 80 percent of all U.S. jobs. And, a recent
study by Paychex, says that small businesses produce 13
times more patents that larger firms.
:: Disposing of Assets
Whenever you dispose of a business asset, whether
you junk it, sell it, lose it, donate it, trade it in, get
it repossessed, destroyed, or converted to personal use,
you may have a taxable event. The decision might not be
taxable, but it is usually reportable and sometimes you
might enjoy something of a tax refund.
Every year when compiling your tax data for your tax pro,
you probably bypass a page entitled Assets or something
similar in the organizer.
:: How to Protect your Business?
Whether you run a two man shop or a fifty strong
company, having general business liability insurance may
be a necessity. Small business owners may not think they
need this type of insurance, but end up getting sued and
you may think again.
:: Social Media Boon for
Small Businesses
Social networks have overtaken local directories
such as Yellow Pages and Thomson and print advertising in
the UK as the main way small businesses seek out new customers,
according to research published on Monday.
Over one-third of UK small businesses say that they now
use Facebook to market their products and services, compared
to 27 per cent that rely on local directories for their
Twitter has also become popular with UK-based small businesses
and their owners – over one-in-six use micro blogging
service to scout for new customers and to market their services.
As a result Twitter is fast catching up with those who say
they use print 21% and online advertising 20% advertising
for their marketing.
:: The Freemium Model
If you have got a new product or service that you
are trying to sell, you may want to think about giving it
away to begin with. In a new survey, 42 percent of consumers
said they pay for new products and services after they have
experienced them for free. The so-called freemium
business model is the way a pantheon of marquee brands,
from Ancestry.com to Words with Friends, first gained traction
in the marketplace.
The freemium business model involves giving away a basic
version of a product or service....
:: Preparing to Sell?
The complexity of preparing a business for sale
can be overwhelming. But advance preparation by the owner
likely will lead to more interested buyers, an increased
sale price and fewer transaction costs.
After all, buyers are attracted to profitable businesses
that are easy to evaluate and operate. For this reason,
spending time and resources on completing the following
seven steps is worthwhile for most owners:
Get financials in order. Up-to-date, accurate financial
statements including balance sheets, income statements,
cash flow statements and tax returns should be readily available
for buyers to review. Historical financial statements and
tax returns also should be ready for disclosure, and a seller
should have explanations for any past or present issues.
Buyers tend to request this type of information first and
will likely evaluate it fully before spending any time looking
at other components of the business. Many buyers walk away
from deals at this stage because of poor record-keeping,
questionable tax practices or lack of information.
:: Small Business Collections
Experian has launched a new service to help small
businesses quickly evaluate new customers for payment risk,
monitor to see if risk changes, and collect past due amounts.
The product is an online subscription service called BusinessIQ
Express. It is an all-in-one dashboard to help
you quickly evaluate companies that are customers and prospective
:: Past Due
One of the potential downsides of being a supplier
or a vendor to a big company is that you may have to wait
a while to get paid.
On average, big businesses – those with 1,000 or more
employees – paid their bills more than a week past the
due date on invoices, according to a report that is expected
to be released by Experian next week.
:: Small Business Grants
A new grant program sponsored by Chase and LivingSocial
will give 12 small businesses the leg up they need to keep
growing. Mission: Small Business will grant up to $250,000
to individual businesses that convince a panel of peers
and small-business mentors that they deserve the funding.
The program, which runs through June 30, provides businesses
with the capital and marketing resources needed to grow.
To apply, businesses must be established for at least two
years and have fewer than 100 employees. Entrepreneurs applying
will answer a series of questions identifying their motive
and outlining their plan to use the grant.
:: Teach Entrepeneurship
When thinking about protecting the future of our
children, there are many lessons we can all learn from today's
economy and job market. Chief Operating Officer and President
of The Entrepreneurs Source Brian Miller says parents and
educators, in particular, should be asking: Are we misleading
our kids to believe that a secure job market awaits them
after their formal education? With outsourcing and technology
negatively affecting the job market today, what will it
be like in 10 years?
:: Small Business Tax Cut Likely Dead
The House passed on Thursday a Republican plan
to cut taxes on small businesses by as much as 20%, a measure
the party characterized as its answer to President Barack
Obama's "Buffett Rule."
But the bill, approved on a mostly party-line 253-173 vote,
is expected to stall in the Senate and has already drawn
a White House veto threat.