Small Business Blog
daily small business software blog
:: Small Business Logos
Great collection of small business logos. Select
industry specific or generic business logos
for global or local commerce. Reasonably priced
(only $9.95)

:: Women Owned Businesses
Women start their own business at twice
the rate of men. It shows initiative, creativity,
courage and intelligence for these women venturing
out on their own away from corporate America.
One very startling statistic about women business
owners - 3% of all women-owned firms have revenues
of $1 million or more compared with 6% of men-owned
firms according to the Center for Womens Business
Research that means that women are starting
their own business at twice the rate of men
yet twice as many men owned business’ reach
a million dollars in revenue.
:: 37 Small Business Ideas
If you are stuck trying to think of
a small business to start, first start by thinking
about what you love to do. Here you’ll find
a list of 37 small business ideasthat work around
things that you love to do!
:: RSS Feed Guidelines
The arguments continue to rage over
the ambiguities in the RSS specifications. But
the fact is: RSS is here to stay, and the current
defined RSS 2.0 specification is likely going
to be as good as it is going to get.
RSS Feed Guidelines
:: Some Small Businesses Are
Despite Weak U.S. Dollar, Skyrocketing
Oil Prices, Ballooning Inflation, and Looming
Recession, U.S. Companies Not Only Survive
As the U.S. economy continues to tumble amidst
a variable cyclone of negativity ranging from
a weak U.S. dollar, high oil prices, rising
inflation, a plummeting stock market, housing
market fiascos and political uncertainty --
many small businesses and larger corporations
are finding financial relief in automation software.
By implementing Windows automation tools such
as MJT Nets
Macro Scheduler , many U.S. companies have
been able to combat rising costs and falling
sales by increasing efficiency while substantially
boosting productivity and becoming more competitive.
Racing to adopt new technology, many U.S. companies
are saving both time and money -- enabling them
to not only survive -- but thrive.
complete details!
:: Delicious Bookmarks
In Yahoo
Interesting post about Yahoo, possibly
using Delicious (social bookmarks) in their
search results.
I just got word that Yahoo is testing the
integration of Delicious user generated
bookmarks into Yahoo search results pages (Yahoo
acquired Delicious in late 2005). Some users
will see the Delicious icon as part of their
normal search results, which tells them how
many people have bookmarked those pages, as
well as the tags people have supplied for those
:: Software Deal of the Day
Discounted software every day! Each
day a popular application is significantly discounted
for only 24 hours. The new Software Deal of the Day website also
has a number of 2nd chance discount offers that
are available to website visitors who miss the
deal of the day. Second chance offers are still
discounted but not as steeply. Subscribe to
the Software Deal of the Day RSS feed
and be instantly aware of what applications
are available, or syndicate the daily specials
on your website, free of charge!

:: HTML Web Templates
HTML Web Templates
HTML website templates can significantly ease
the burden of designing and creating websites
by providing webmasters with a ready-made web
layout, structure, basic graphics, and color
scheme. Templates can generally be edited and
customized with any HTML editor. The biggest
advantage for webmasters using ready-made templates
is the amount of time that can be saved. There
are a number of websites that provide ready-made
HTML templates. We have compiled a list of some
popular sites to make the search process easier.
Webmaster Templates
Webmaster Templates contains themed
web templates. Each template includes an HTML
layout, CSS file, and graphic images. Individual
templates can be purchased, or webmasters can
subscribe to the website and download an unlimited
number of templates for a specified period of
time. The themed and industry web templates
are categorized by topic, or can be located
using a keyword search feature. New web templates
are added on a regular basis, so check back
HTML Web Templates
:: What is Hot and What is Not
in Technology for 2008
After looking into my crystal ball,
I have made a cluster of predictions about what
will be hot, and what will be not so hot in
technology for 2008.
Top 10 Winners Predicted for 2008
1. Video
YouTube has not shown any signs of slowing down.
With the increasing popularity of portability
and the increase of video-viewing technology,
the growth of video is unlikely to slow down.
2. Healthy
Healthy is in. It is not only fashionable, but
now cool to be healthy. Maybe this will help
counter the rise in obesity in the US. Even
those who give in to their cravings and indulge
agree that it is cool to be healthy. Organic
foods are at an all time high with an increase
of roughly 20% per year in the US! This may
also be a top New Year Resolution.
3. Long Tail
The Long Tail is still hot. Small businesses
and big business are all attempting to capture
the famed long tail.
What is Hot and What is Not in Technology
for 2008
:: Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing Resolutions for
the New Year
Starting a New Year is all about self-reflecting.
Most individuals celebrate the incoming year
by looking back, determining what goals were
met and what goals fell short. Most who have
made past resolutions then look forward and
resolve to do better in the coming year.
Like any Internet marketer, I have a long laundry
list of things that I intend to get to... invariably
each year the list grows longer, and rarely
do I make any significant headway on new projects,
ideas, or marketing techniques. I resolve for
that to change in 2008! I have compiled a list
of Internet Marketing resolutions for the coming
year. If your list is already too long, consider
saving time and using the list below.
1. Track and Measure
Before launching any advertising campaigns,
be sure to determine how the campaign will be
tracked. I will determine exactly how much money
we need to make from the campaign in order for
it to be effective and worth the effort.
2. Investigate Pay Per Review
I resolve to take a closer look at pay per review
websites like PayPerReview, ReviewMe, and PayPerPost
and to discern whether the model will be effective
for marketing software.
3. Make Video Tutorials
It is time! Being a tad on the shy side, this
item keeps finding its way to the bottom of
my marketing list. However, it is time to utilize
videos and use them as marketing tools, websites
like YouTube can help raise awareness of products
and help instruct our users.
4. Leverage Web 2.0
It is time to explore some of those unusual
mediums, and discern the marketing viability
of Web 2.0. While RSS and syndication are now
a marketing staple, Web 2.0 has more to offer
and is worth a closer look in the coming year.
Complete List of Small Business Internet Marketing Resolutions
:: 2007 Reflections, 2008 Predictions
The lens through which viewers receive
their news has changed. The images of struggle
are no longer frozen in time; technology has
helped preserve and personalize these conflicts
by producing moving tributes to the conflicts
of humankind.
The strife and internal conflicts that marred
the globe in 2006 continued into 2007: Mynamar
(Burma), Palestine and Lebanon all continue
to struggle with internal conflicts in their
borders. The differences between 2006 and 2007
are not obvious; however, under close examination,
it is evident that several external struggles
have been transformed into internal conflicts.
In 2006, many countries attempted to influence
their neighbors. This was evident with Iran
attempting to influence the turmoil in Iraq,
and Syria attempting to control Lebanon. Both
struggles have evolved into internal personal
conflicts in 2007.
While video is not a new technology, the spread
of video-viewing technology in devices like
the iPod has brought the faces of terror into
the homes of the western world. Advances in
technology have also encouraged the West to
open both their hearts and wallets, with many
sponsoring children like Youseff, a child with
a horribly scarred face. The same technology
that brought Youssef's story to millions of
homes, also helped bring tragedies like the
Virginia Tech massacres.
2007 Reflections, 2008 Predictions
:: Top 10 Winners
and Losers for 2008
Top 10 Winners Predicted for 2008
1. Video
2. Healthy
3. Long Tail
4. Buy USA
5. Rich Internet / Interactive Web / Semantic
Web / Web Services
6. Aggregate and Attention Data
7. Power of the People
8. Going Green
9. Biometrics and Big Brother
10. Prosthetics / Bionic
Top 10 Losers Predicted for 2008
1. Lead
2. Squat Toilets
3. DRM
4. China
5. Skinny is Out
6. Blockbuster / Netflix
7. Orbo
8. MySpace fell to Facebook
9. Privacy
10. Piracy
More on 2007 Predictions -
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2007 Blog
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2007 Blog
2007 Blog
2007 Blog
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2006 Blog
2006 Blog
2006 Blog
2006 Blog
2006 Blog
2006 Blog
2006 Blog
2006 Blog
2006 Blog
2006 Blog
2005 Blog
2005 Blog
2005 Blog
2005 Blog
August 2005 Blog
2005 Blog
2005 Blog
2005 Blog
2005 Blog
2005 Blog
2005 Blog
2005 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog