:: Small Business Primer
Anyone who has been an active reader
of computer trade magazines or online publications
over the past few years has seen a steady increase
in the number of references to things called
"Web services" and "SOA." Indeed, more and more
businesses are turning to these technologies
to help improve their bottom line.
But what do these technologies mean to small
businesses and sole proprietors? Can small organizations
stand to benefit from SOA as much as Fortune
500 companies? The answer is difficult, if not
impossible, for people to ascertain if they
do not understand what the Web services and
SOA technologies are, and what potential benefits
they provide. This article will attempt to explain
SOA in terms that a small business owner or
manager can easily understand.
Small Business Primer
:: Google Click Fraud
Google is optionally providing Adwords
advertisers the option of viewing click fraud
reports. Information on the Click Fraud Report.
:: Insert Social Bookmarks into
Web Pages
social bookmarks to your website to increase popularity.
:: Converting RSS
Feeds to HTML
Many webmasters have realized the benefit
of using RSS to dynamically update websites.
This means that the website content automatically
changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows
for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a
mixture of static and dynamic content on their
Converting RSS Feeds to HTML
:: Free Social Bookmarking Chicklet
Social bookmarking has quickly become
a popular way for frequent internet users to
share their favorite websites with the public.
Having a website added to a bookmark directory
can increase traffic significantly. Bookmark
chicklets are a newer creation that help remind
those viewing a website to add it to the social
bookmarking directories. It makes the bookmarking
process easier for those who have found a website
that is a good source of information or services.
Another advantage of the tool is that the website
description that goes into the bookmark is written
into the script, allowing creators of the chicklet
to choose how their website will be described
in the directory.
Free Social Bookmarking Chicklet Tool
:: Digg Adds Sports
Digg the
popular social bookmarking site has added a
sports section to their website. Submit sports
related stories.
:: Googling is A Verb
This week googling officially became
a verb. The 11th edition of the Merriam-Webster
Collegiate Dictionary now includes “googling”
(lower case g). It’s about time.
People have been using Google as a verb for
Having your brand name used as a generic term,
is of course, a mixed blessing for a company.
On the one hand, it’s great to have your name
become the common shorthand for an entire category.
It implies acceptance that your product is the
standard by which all others in the category
are judged and it’s great word-of-mouth for
building awareness and trial.
:: Online Credibility
in Question
Credibility online is becoming more
and more of an issue. Anyone can have a blog
or post to a forum and anyone can edit wiki
entries. Web surfers are beginning to comprehend
that just because it is in print does not necessarily
mean that it is true. In fact, in today's online
world, the collective truth might be the closest
thing we can get to the real truth. Peer policing
and social bookmarking have become common in
the online world.
Online Credibility in Question
:: Paperclip to a House
Taking a paper clip and turning it into
a house sounds like a cheesy magic trick or
a phony instance of resourcefulness on the 1980s
TV show "MacGyver."
Kyle MacDonald, however, has pulled it off.
One year ago, the 26-year-old blogger from Montreal
set out to barter one red paper clip for something
and that thing for something else, over and
over again until he had a house.
On Wednesday the quest is ending as envisioned:
MacDonald is due to become the proud owner of
a three-bedroom, 1,100-square-foot home provided
by the town of Kipling, Saskatchewan.
Paperclip to a House!
:: Learn About Web
Websites that are able to amass a large
number of links from related websites that contain
relevant content, tend to have an advantage
when attempting to rank well in the large search
engines. The tricky part is understanding how
to build a large quantity of quality links.
With the growth of the web and increased competition,
search engines are weighing link relevance,
and link authority as part of their ranking
Everything You Need to Know About Linking
:: Google Ordered To Provide
Google has been ordered to disclose
the identity of one of its advertisers. The
High Court has issued the ruling to assist a
potential copyright infringement case.
Google had declined to reveal the identity
of the advertiser to Helen Grant, who had complained
that a Google advert led to a service which
she claimed violated her copyright in a forthcoming
book. Google did not give the information, but
the firm did advise Grant to seek the High Court
order forcing it to comply.
Google Ordered to Provide Information