:: Free Shipping is a Great
A business study the other day showed
that more than 60% of shoppers are lured
by offers of FREE Shipping. The cyber
specials are all offering deep discounts and
even software companies are offering free shipping.
Both NotePage, Inc. and FeedForAll offer free
shipping on all orders that include media!
NotePage offers SMS messaging software
solutions and FeedForAll has RSS feed creation and editing
software. Buy from either and get the media
shipped FREE of charge.
:: Thanksgiving CD
Thanksgiving CD ROM for Web Designers.
The CD includes: Thanksgiving Logos, Thanksgiving
Stock Photos, Thanksgiving Web Templates.

:: Good Things to Social Bookmark
It can be tricky to predict what content
will perform well on social bookmarking websites.
The interests of our democratic populace are
widespread and constantly changing. Webpages,
podcasts, and images which are deemed more newsworthy,
humorous, or intriguing often steal the spotlight.
Knowing how to present content on social bookmarking
websites can help internet marketers stand out.
Good Things to Social Bookmark
:: Thanksgiving Branding
Add a Thanksgiving logo to your website
to celebrate the impending holiday.

:: Great Explanation of Custom
404 Pages
Encountering 404 errors is not new.
Often, developers provide custom 404 pages to
make the experience a little less frustrating.
However, for a custom 404 page to be truly useful,
it should not only provide relevant information
to the user, but should also provide immediate
feedback to the developer so that, when possible,
the problem can be fixed.
Custom 404 Pages
:: Internet Start
Ups Ripe
Digg founder Kevin Rose on Friday shined
light on a stormy economic landscape, saying
the climate is right for launching Internet
Difficulty getting financing means fewer competitors
entering the market and that there will be more
media attention focused on young technology
firms, Rose told those gathered at a Web 2.0
Summit in San Francisco.
complete article
:: Viral Conversations
A new service, Viral Conversations is available.
The idea behind Viral Conversations is putting
business owners who have a product or service,
in touch with bloggers who are interested in
reviewing it. The difference between this website
and other website review services is Viral Conversations
only deals with real world tangible products.
It is an interesting way to drum up buzz about
your products.
:: Effective Podcasting
The planning and work that takes place
before and after a podcast is an important part
for a professional show. Do not neglect preparation
or post-show production tasks.
Effective Podcast Tips
:: Security Port
Stay updated on important security issues
with the Security Blog on Security Port.
:: Google Indexing
Scanned PDFs
Google has rarely included scanned documents
in its search results because it had no way
to determine the nature of the content, but
that's about to change. The search engine giant
says it will use optical character recognition
software to make it possible for Web surfers
to search any Web-hosted document stored in
the PDF file format developed by Adobe Systems.
Google is using the technology to convert scanned
documents into equivalent text files that can
be searched, indexed and returned as responses
to Google search queries.
complete article
:: Technology and the Influence
on Politics
It will be really interesting to see
how much of an impact technology will have on
the outcome of this years US Presidential Election.
A number of articles have been written that
discuss technology in politics. Any predictions?
:: Halloween Has
Become a Business!
Not only can you purchase Halloween
costumes and decorations, you can brand your
business for the holidays, you can spice up
marketing materials with Halloween photos or
you can put together a scarey PowerPoint Presentation
with these Halloween PowerPoint Templates.

:: Halloween Web Elements -
Put Your Business in the Holiday Mood!
Halloween Web Elements - includes
HTML Templates, logos, and royalty free stock
photos all related to Halloween.

:: Industry Code
of Ethics Online
An Internet industry code of ethics
intended to safeguard online freedom of speech
around the world is to be adopted this week
by technology titans including Google, Yahoo
and Microsoft.
The code of ethics is a voluntary framework
to help protect people who express opinions
online in countries such as China, where talk
of democracy or criticism of the Communist government
is treated as criminal behavior.
Yahoo launched the talks with industry partners,
academics, human rights groups and investors
to promote a code of behavior for global technology
and communication companies operating in
challenging markets.
:: ABCs of Search Engine Optimization
Use the alphabet to figure out Search
Engine Optimization.
ABCs of Search Engine Optimization