:: Working From Home
Developments in technology have made it possible,
if not easy, for small businesses and employees to telecommute.
Working from home can be quite a different experience from
an office job, and many find it a preferable one. However,
those who work from home may also face some of the intrinsic
downsides of telecommuting. To sort out the good and the
bad of telecommuting, we have compiled a list of the major
pros and cons that those who work from home might experience.
From Home
:: Use Equity to Hire Small
Business Talent
Unfortunately, executives of this caliber generally
already have day jobs. Sandberg was a vice president at
Google, Kilgore was director of marketing at Amazon, and
Schmidt was CEO of Novell. Day jobs like those, at big companies
with big-time resources, make it extremely hard to poach
the talent you need. These executives already have generous
salaries, good benefits, job security, and possibly even
a decent amount of flexibility and work-life balance. It
is your job to persuade them to give up all that. And like
:: 5 Qualities of Successful Founders
Dreaming up a promising idea and then executing
your vision certainly matters in business. But it is not
the only thing. Success matters, too, on the make-up of
the founder.
To gain insight into the crucial qualities of outstanding
business founders, I reached out to Mike Rothenberg, founder
and CEO of the seed fund Rothenberg Ventures. He speaks
with business founders every day and has a pretty specific
idea on the core traits necessary for long-term success.
:: How Small Businesses
Should Prepare for Disasters
How your small business should prepare for a disaster.
:: 5 Small Business Media Mistakes
Small businesses can use social media to boost
sales and gain attention from potential customers. Unfortunately,
a lot of small businesses make mistakes when trying to harness
the power of social media. Some of those are rookie mistakes
that are easy to avoid, if you just are conscious of them
and work to handle them differently.
:: Mark Cubans Rules for
Starting a Business
Anyone who has started a business has his or
her own rules and guidelines, so I thought I would add to
the memo with my own. My rules below are not just for those
founding the companies, but for those who are considering
going to work for them, as well.
:: Small Business May Face Fines with
Affordable Care
Beginning Oct. 1, any business with at least one
employee and $500,000 in annual revenue must notify all
employees by letter about the Affordable Care Acts health-care
exchanges, or face up to a $100-per-day fine. The requirement
applies to any business regulated under the Fair Labor Standards
Act, regardless of size. Going forward, letters are to be
distributed to any new hires within 14 days of their starting
date, according to the Department of Labor.
:: How to Teach Anyone Anything
Most people are familiar with the phrase: Those
who can not do, teach. Ironically, it is the converse that
creates dysfunction in business. So often these doers get
stuck doing and doing because they do not know how to teach
their skills and knowledge to employees and colleagues.
Talented people end up overtasked and the company suffers
from inefficiency.
:: In Memory of 9-11

Let Us Never Forget September 11th.
:: Our Future Is Bright
With Students Like This
Checkout this Young
Entrepeneurs TED Talk that discusses a revolutionary
device he built to save lives!
:: Documents Every Small Business Should
Most small business owners know they need to keep
receipts, bank statements and other data for at least four
years in the event of an audit.
The IRS has three years unless fraud is suspected to audit
your income tax return and assess additional tax if it does
not agree with claimed income and deductions. But even if
you keep every receipt, they will not help you fight the
taxman if you are found to not have a business intent for
claimed expenses.
:: Small Business Insurance
Following are some types of insurance you’ll
want to consider, depending on the nature and scope of your
:: How to Prevent Small Business Ownership
Most family businesses are faced with the same
challenges that other businesses face, yet the more personal
relationships that exist within family business create different
considerations – especially when things go wrong.
:: How Happy Are Small Business
Running your own business is a demanding job, but
it offers a sense of autonomy that you just can’t get
working for someone else. Still, how happy are small-business
owners? A recent survey from online marketing company Yodle
polled over 300 U.S. small-business owners across a variety
of industries and found that most are pretty happy - 55
:: Small Business Vs Personal Credit
When Rep. Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., introduced the Small
Business Credit Card Act of 2013 to Congress back in June,
she was attempting to right a wrong that has persisted since
the original CARD Act took effect in October 2010.
The landmark law, which has increased transparency and bolstered
consumer rights throughout the credit card industry, does
not apply to credit cards branded for small business use.
And while Loweys bill has the potential to correct this
oversight, it has only a 1 percent chance of being enacted,
according to GovTrack.
The roughly 37 percent of small business owners who leverage
credit card debt each year must therefore learn how to get
by without important legislatively provided rights if they
wish to achieve debt stability and avoid losing money. CardHub
conducted a study analyzing the small business credit card
policies employed by the nations 10 largest issuers, and
the five major takeaways are listed below.
:: How to Do Market Research
Market research will help you understand your customers,
familiarise yourself with the competition and get to know
what people are prepared to pay for your product or service.