:: Small Business Support Will Boost Economy
Fixing the economy and addressing the state budget
shortfall are on a lot of people's minds right now, including
mine. As a small business owner, dealing with red ink is
the kind of thing that will keep you up at night.
To create jobs and cut the deficit, we need to jumpstart
the economy and support small businesses that are poised
to expand and lead the recovery. As a small business owner,
and one who works with many other businesses to address
their financing needs, I believe addressing the small business
credit crunch and reinvesting money from expiring tax cuts
to support local economies are two effective ways to move
the economy forward.
:: Small Businesses Worry
About Taxes
President Barack Obama wants to phase out the Bush-era
tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, those individuals
making more than $200,000 a year, or $250,000 a household.
But some small-business owners are worried they could get
trapped in that wealthiest Americans net because
their business income doubles as personal income.
Precisely how many small-business owners will get caught
in that situation is hard to say.
Most small businesses -- barber shops and restaurants and
small manufacturers -- do not clear $250,000 a year in profits,
and of those that do, many pay presidents and owners a salary
for tax purposes.
:: Get Ready for Halloween
PowerPoint Templates

:: New Business Website -
Need Gift Idea
Check out a new website need
gift idea for finding the perfect business or personal
:: Technology Has Spawned Industries
The technical search giant, Google, alone is the
inspiration and sole cause behind the creation of thousands
of new businesses. There are now companies dedicated solely
to Pay-Per-Click campaign management. Thousands of individuals
and companies now make money through search engine optimization
and outsourcing their services to improve website rankings,
specifically to see that a website ranks well in Googles
organic search results. There are now software applications
that can determine what keywords to use in optimizing a
website for search engine rankings, and other software programs
that assess and evaluate website traffic and popularity.
These products and businesses were all brought to fruition
as a result of Googles Internet search domination and technical
Has Spawned Industries
:: IRS Offers Small Business
Guide to Tax Audits
When the tax man comes knocking at the door of
a small business, the visitor can cause an owner to go dizzy
with questions of what to do next, and how best to handle
the overall tax audit process. And who better to answer
those questions than the Internal Revenue Service, which
now offers small businesses a guide to tax audits.
The video series entitled, Your
Guide to an IRS Audit is a step-by-step guide to a small
business audit.
:: Invitations for All Occasions
invitations for all occasions.
:: Problems with Content
Management Systems
Trying to fix an organizations content problems
by installing a content management system -CMS is like trying
to save a marriage by booking a holiday. We know that a
successful web project needs a content strategy—but when
it comes to the CMS, we stop thinking strategically. Despite
all the talk about user-centered design, we rarely consider
the user experience of the editorial team—the people who
implement the content strategy. We do not design a CMS,
we install it.
problems with Content Management Systems
:: 7 Mistakes that Can Cost You Money
Many webmasters work very hard on their websites,
but they often overlook glaringly-obvious mistakes that
may be costing them sales or potential customers. Here are
what we consider the Top 7 such mistakes...
1. JavaScript Navigation
Many website visitors now have JavaScript turned off or
disabled in their web browsers, due to ever-increasing security
concerns. If you are using JavaScript in your navigation
menus, some potential customers may be unable to navigate
your website. More often than not, this means that potential
customers will click away and turn to a competitor. In addition
to avoiding JavaScript navigation, you should also avoid
using JavaScript in the ordering process. Ordering systems
that require JavaScript to function may also result in your
customers being unable to purchase, and going somewhere
else instead!
Mistakes that Can Cost You Money
:: Green Marketing
For small-business owners, creating and implementing
effective marketing strategies can be an uphill battle.
The question always becomes: What kind of strategies should
you employ to grow your business and are they going to work?
So when a Miami Herald reader recently asked BizBytes
whether green marketing strategies could help grow their
small business, I turned to D. Steven White, professor of
marketing at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
and interim director of its Sustainability Studies Program.
What is green marketing anyway?
According to American Marketing Association, it is defined
as the marketing and promotion of products and services
that are environmentally safe. reen marketing for small
businesses is really about introducing green products and
adopting sustainable practices to differentiate yourself
from your competitors.
:: Potential Help for Small Business
More than a dozen programs aimed at spurring hiring
among small businesses have been introduced or proposed.
They include:
-- Under the Recovery Act, the government raised the maximum
guarantee for Small Business Administration loans and temporarily
suspended fees charged to business owners. Money in that
program ran out in the spring and the Obama administration
is pressing Congress to approve an extension.
-- As part of the new HIRE Act, business owners get a tax
cut on their share of payroll taxes for hiring unemployed
people. They get another cut if they keep the employees
for a year.
-- The administration is proposing to eliminate all capital
gains taxes on small-business investments as well as to
extend provisions allowing them to deduct the cost of capital
expenditures and write off certain investments.
:: Enticing Purchasers -
Closing the Sale
Compelling customers to take the final step from
browsing to purchasing is not always an easy transition.
Marketers and entrepreneurs who have studied purchasing
habits have found that the following enticements can help
encourage potential customers to take the final step to
Purchasers - Closing the Sale