:: Uncertainty Strangles Small Businesses
Businesses require two critical ingredients in
order to expand and succeed: a clear understanding of what
their costs are going to be, and access to capital. The
current political and regulatory environment leaves them
void of both.
When companies, it does not matter if it is a mom-and-pop
operation or multi-national corporation, face uncertainty,
they all do the same thing: nothing. Or, at least as little
as possible when it comes to spending money. It is the reason
trillions of dollars are currently sitting in corporate
bank accounts; and unless its a bank, that is not what a
company should do with its excess cash. Companies are supposed
to invest it in the business in order to develop new or
better products or services, increase its earnings and hire
more employees.
Strangles Small Businesses
:: Social Media and Small
Never doubt the power of social media. In Todays
Living, Twitter and Facebook, the new face of business and
A growing number of small business owners are finding word
of mouth advertising on the web is allowing them to go global.
It does not get more local than this: a 30-minute photo
shop in Irvine, California same storefront since 1990. But
this is an international enterprise now.
:: SBA Awards Grants to 20 Universities
and Organizations To Support Small Business Innovation
Supporting programs for innovative, technology-driven
small businesses under SBAs Federal and State Technology
(FAST) partnership program, the U.S. Small Business Administration
has granted $100,000 awards to 20 state and local economic
development agencies, business development centers, and
colleges and universities. Candidates were submitted by
the governors of all 50 U.S. states and territories.
The FAST Program is designed to stimulate economic development
among small, high technology businesses through federally-funded
innovation and research and development programs like the
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business
Technology Transfer (STTR). The project and budget periods
are for 12 months, starting Sept. 30, 2010.
:: Innovation for Small Businesses
Innovation is what keeps small business thriving
and prospering. That was part of the message this week from
Rick Briand, an account manager with the Business Development
Bank of Canada, who spoke at a kick-off event for Small
Business Week.
Briand told the Chamber of Commerce luncheon that innovation
does not necessarily mean having a Eureka moment
and relying on new technology.
the Key to Business Success
:: Small Businesses A Good Investment?
In the world of high-yield securities, small business loans
are safer than junk bonds, and are expected to get even
less risky over the next two years, according to PayNet,
which provides risk-management tools to the commercial lending
:: Social Media Is Key To
Small Business Marketing
One of the most cost-effective ways for small business
owners to increase sales is by getting plugged in to the
world of social media.
Social networks such as Facebook or Twitter allow a company
of any size to add a whole new weapon to its marketing arsenal.
Tech-savvy marketing experts like Tomica Bonner say that,
thanks to the rapid growth in the pace of technology, businesses
can learn more about what their customers want and see how
to increase profits.
:: Small Businesses Say Recession is NOT
The National Bureau of Economic Research declared
that the recession ended in 2009. The NBER may feel confident
about its predictions, but the small business trends website
paints a much different picture. The Obama white house has
claimed that small businesses are the key to economic recovery.
Not Over
:: Negotiations
Negotiation really is an art, and can be a challenge
to master for even the most astute business professional.
And like any art form, it must be refined and crafted. Getting
a good deal can result in a feeling of euphoria.
So, how does one negotiate a good deal? It can be
difficult, especially if the other party appears to be holding
all the cards. Follow these tips to help negotiate a great
:: Social Media Plan
How can you get more attention with your blog posts
while showing the proper respect for the blog owner and
his/her audience? How do you create an unforgettable social
media experience with tools like Facebook that will really
make a difference for your business bottom line? What strategies
should you use, what design and tool resources can you employee
to ensure your brand rises above the rest and what goals
do you - should you have when approaching social media in
the first place. We’ve got some answers drawn from across
the Web that should build on knowledge and encourage discussion.
Social media best practices for your small business are
Media Plan
:: Plan for Small Businesses
The Democratic-controlled Congress on Thursday
sent President Barack Obama a long-delayed bill to help
struggling small businesses with easier credit and other
incentives to expand and hire new workers.
The $40 billion-plus bill is the last vestige of the heralded
jobs agenda that Obama and Democrats promoted early this
year. They ended up delivering only a fraction of what they
promised after Senate Republicans blocked most of the agenda
with filibusters.
The Senate passed the measure last week. The 237-187 House
vote Thursday that sent the bill to the president split
along party lines as Democrats praised the measure for creating
a $30 billion federal fund to help smaller banks issue loans
to small businesses and for cutting taxes by $12 billion
over the coming decade.
:: Nearly Half of Small-Business Owners
May Never Retire
Nearly half, 47%, of small-business owners now
plan to never retire until forced to do so for health reasons
-- up from about 4 in 10 in 2005 and 2007 -- according to
a recent Wells Fargo-Gallup Small Business Index poll. Another
41% plan to cut back on work but stay involved with their
business when they retire. Those planning to stop working
in their business altogether fell to 1 in 10 during 2010
from nearly twice that level in 2005
:: What Is a Small Business?
A small business is many things. To define them
purely by numbers is to miss their rich diversity and abundance.
You can recognize a small business when you see it. A
self-employed plumber or builder, that independent store
run by a hard-working couple, or those kids cooking up a
new internet service from their garage or bedrooms.
Some small businesses will never grow into anything else,
because their owners do not want them to. A self-employed
architect or carpenter may well have chosen that path for
the independence it offers and they don't aspire to establishing
a commercial empire.
The small business is a haven for the specialist who
loves what they do and want to remain hands-on, without
the pressure of moving into management.
A small business can represent innovation. Many entrepreneurs
start with a small business, as they convert their exciting
ideas for a new product or service into a saleable commodity.
A true entrepreneur doesn't want to stay small, just as
they don't want to stay in the same business for too long.
For them the excitement is the in start-up phase, turning
a concept into a reality and then moving on.
Many small businesses are an escape route from corporate
life. Droves of professionals yearn to be self-employed,
free of the office cubicle, with its burdens of management
expectation, bureaucracy and internal politics. Of course,
working for yourself requires adherence to a new set of
rules and ways of working, but it has the benefit of feeling
much freer.
is a Small Business
:: Minimum Wage Increase Causes Small
Business Problems
Imagine if your monthly heating bill jumped to
$130 from $100. How would you pay for this? What would you
need to do — or not do — to find that extra $30 every
That is essentially the challenge many of our provinces
smallest businesses have faced during the past few years.
Only it’s not their heating bill that is increased, it
is the amount the province requires them to pay employees
earning minimum wage.
:: Small Business Support
Will Boost Economy
Fixing the economy and addressing the state budget
shortfall are on a lot of people's minds right now, including
mine. As a small business owner, dealing with red ink is
the kind of thing that will keep you up at night.
To create jobs and cut the deficit, we need to jumpstart
the economy and support small businesses that are poised
to expand and lead the recovery. As a small business owner,
and one who works with many other businesses to address
their financing needs, I believe addressing the small business
credit crunch and reinvesting money from expiring tax cuts
to support local economies are two effective ways to move
the economy forward.
:: Small Businesses Worry About Taxes
President Barack Obama wants to phase out the Bush-era
tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, those individuals
making more than $200,000 a year, or $250,000 a household.
But some small-business owners are worried they could get
trapped in that wealthiest Americans net because
their business income doubles as personal income.
Precisely how many small-business owners will get caught
in that situation is hard to say.
Most small businesses -- barber shops and restaurants and
small manufacturers -- do not clear $250,000 a year in profits,
and of those that do, many pay presidents and owners a salary
for tax purposes.
:: Get Ready for Halloween
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