:: Internet Sales Tax
Many online purchases could soon be more expensive,
if a long-debated Internet sales tax law advances through
The law would allow 45 states and the District of Columbia
to demand that online retailers collect sales tax on purchases.
Estimates are that consumers would be spending between $12
billion to $23 billion more a year due to the increased
tax collection.
Here is what you need to know about the current law on online
purchase and what would happen under the legislation:
:: Small Businesses Take
on Minimum Wage
Small businesses represent 99.7 percent of all
employer firms in this country. They pay nearly half of
the U.S. private sector payroll and have created two out
of every three net new jobs over the past couple decades.
Put simply, small businesses are our economy. Given that
it is still recovering, the economy needs all the help it
can get to make it over the proverbial hump and flourish.
Small businesses will play a key part in that journey.
:: Boston is Special
Idealistic, hard-working, creative, community-minded
entrepreneurs are the Bostonians of the business world --
friendly and happy, no-nonsense and strong.
Boston strong.
:: Why Reading is Important

Why Reading is Important Cartoon
:: Help for Seniors Going Into Businesses
As working during retirement years has become commonplace,
so has the desire among older Americans to strike out on
their own and start a business for themselves.
:: Five Small Business Ideas
The growth potential of businesses varies widely.
For example, some businesses that charge their customers
hourly fees stay small because there are only so many hours
in a day you can work. The revenue growth of other businesses
is not limited by the time the owner puts in. Nearly exponential
growth is possible with some ventures. The size of the market,
trends in consumer tastes and needs, and your own skills
and interests will guide you toward market niches with big
:: Competing With Businesses That Break
The Rules
Sixty-eight percent of business owners surveyed
last month by the advocacy group Small Business Majority
said too many companies gain an unfair advantage by hiring
immigrants who aren't eligible to work in the U.S. In 2008,
the Pew Research Hispanic Center estimated that 8.3 million
people were working in the U.S. without permission. Current
estimates put the total number of people in the U.S. without
permission at about 11 million.
:: Technical Diagnosis Cartoon

Technical Diagnosis Cartoon
:: Small Business Social Content
As mobile usage grows exponentially, small businesses
should optimize their website content to make it more digestible
on mobile platforms. By 2015 more U.S. consumers will access
the Internet through mobile devices than through desktop
PCs, says the International Data Corporation
:: The Scoop on Small Businesses
There are 28 million small businesses in the United
States, and they do quite a lot to fuel the American
dream. As drivers of the U.S. economy, small businesses
give opportunities to people with entrepreneurial spirits
and the will to work hard. They are the basis of what the
U.S. is founded upon, and continue to push the economy even
in tight times. They produce 50 percent of the non-farm
gross domestic product in the U.S. in addition to being
important in other ways.
:: Pros and Cons to Being Self Employed
Many employees dream of someday being an employer
rather than an employee. There is a lot to be said for being
self-employed, but it is not always as perfect and wonderful
as it may seem. In addition to benefits, there are also
some distinct downsides of being self-employed.
and Cons to Being Self Employed
:: Business Travel Gadgets
The real joy of many of these new portable pieces
of technology is that they reflect both sides of the business
travel balance by increasing productivity, while, generally,
being pretty fun to tote along.
These are five business travel gadgets that will keep you
and your staff productive in the air, at a conference and
even from the hotel room.
:: US Small Businesses Delay Hiring
US Small Business Owners To Delay Hiring
- Three out of four to hold off hiring during next six months
- Cautious optimism revealed in aftermath of U.S. government
- PNC forecasts moderate growth will persist in 2013
U.S. small and mid-sized business owners plan to delay hiring
new employees or seek new loans amid cautious optimism about
the economy, according to the latest findings of the PNC
Economic Outlook survey.
:: I Work on the Internet

I Work on the Internet Cartoon
:: Do You Micromanage?
Micromanagement. It may seem like a little thing
that is isolated to a few managers, or staff in your company,
but the effects of micromanagement could have a huge long-
and short-term negative impact on your ability to be effective
as a manager, and your ability to achieve or exceed your
company's goals. Take a second to think about these questions:
Do you tell your employees what
to do?
Do you oversee all aspects of their
Do you direct rather than empower?
Do spend more time on day-to-day
tasks vs the growth of your company?
:: 5 Tips to Prepare for
Small Business Growth
You have worked hard to position your company for
growth, so that when the economy improves, your bottom line
keeps pace. Shoving insurance to the bottom of your to-do
list threatens all that hard work.
:: Seven Payroll Tips for Small Business
Having a staff on payroll can seem very commonplace
as well as essential to running a small business, but many
owners get in trouble with Uncle Sam because they do not
understand the complexity of payroll tax law.
:: What are Your Employees
Doing When You Think They are Working?
Sixty-nine percent of employees report wasting
at least a half hour of time per workday. Another 21 percent
report wasting at least some time each week. The other valiant,
hard working 10 percent who report that they never waste
:: Which Social Media Should You Use?
Facebook still may be the king when it comes to
social media marketing for small businesses, but other social
networking sites are making significant gains among small
businesses owners and entrepreneurs, new research has found.
Overall, 80 percent of small business owners say they are
using some form of social media marketing.
Those business owners have shown a preference for certain
social platforms for marketing. Eighty-two percent of small
business owners say Facebook is the most effective social
media platform for their business, up from 75 percent in
May 2012.
However, LinkedIn and Twitter saw the biggest perceived
gains in effectiveness among small business owners. Twenty-nine
percent of small business owners say LinkedIn is the most
effective social media platform for their organization,
up from 10 percent in May 2012.
:: Small Businesses Score
on Social Media
Having customers who are also Facebook fans are
more valuable to retailers than those shoppers who are not
as social media savvy, new research finds.
A study by researchers at the University at Buffalo, Texas
A&M University and Aalto University in Finland revealed
proof that customers who engage with a business through
social media contribute more to the bottom line than those
who don't.
:: Pricing Rules You Need to Know
Customers are irrational about prices. How can
you make the most of their weirdness? This roundup of pricing
rules of thumb based on research can help.
Pricing is notoriously hard. Simply asking your customers
what they would pay sounds sensible, but often does not
work. People frequently don't know what things are worth,
and their stated preferences frequently do not match their
real-world actions. But simply taking your best guess and
slapping a price tag on something usually means you are
leaving money on the table.
:: Free Tools to Monitor
Your Brand
There are a number of things that you can do to
monitor your online brand, as well as monitoring the brand
of a competitor. Being aware of what is said, and when it
is being said, will allow you to react in a timely fashion.
It is often a companies reaction to negative media that
leaves the biggest impression. In order to turn a negative
into a positive, you must first be aware that a conversation
is taking place. Fortunately, there are a number of free
tools that can assist companies with brand monitoring...
Tools to Monitor Your Brand