:: 10 Hiring Tips for Your Small Businesses
Hiring is one of the most important things an entrepreneur
will do to grow her company. For a small business, each
new hire has a tremendous impact and influences the company's
culture far more than a new hire at a 200- or 500-person
company. The stakes are high, so you need to ensure that
each of your new hires is a passionate, engaged and committed
team player.
:: 5 New Year Resolutions
for Small Businesses
1. File all of that legal paperwork.
2. Re-Analyze your ROI.
3. Get your estimated tax payment in.
4. Explore social media.
5. Update your site.
:: Big Issues Facing Small Businesses
Small-business owners are probably glad to put
2013 into the books.
For many, it was a frustrating year of waiting. Waiting
to learn about the new health care law. Waiting for lawmakers
to solve budget disagreements. And waiting for the economy
to improve. Many put off big decisions like purchasing equipment
and hiring as they sought clarity. But in the end, owners
fought inertia and appear to be looking forward to 2014.
Hiring seems to be showing an uptick and lending to small
businesses is improving.
Here is a look back at some of the big issues small-business
owners faced this year:
:: 6 Ways Small Businesses
Can Do Big Business
I learned a lot about selling to corporate America
from a mentor, who once worked as a sales professional focused
on business-to-business customers. He sold telecommunications
systems and services to large corporations in the highly
competitive retail market. Although million dollar deals
were common for him, he taught me that the fundamentals
of sales are the same when closing any sized deal. Here
are six ways small businesses can do business with corporations.
:: 5 Small Business Mistakes to Avoid
in 2014
Believe it or not, it is creeping up on the end
of the year again, which means it is time to start lying
to ourselves about how few carbs we are going to eat and
how many sit-ups we are going to do in the coming year.
December is also the time when small business owners should
be taking stock of how things have gone over the past 12
months and looking ahead to the future. The things we vow
to do and do better at in our professional lives are to
be taken seriously. Below is our list of 5 things we think
are likely mistakes for small business owners to make in
2014. Read, avoid, and be ahead of the curve.
:: Why Do New York Politicians
Hate Small Businesses
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo appointed a commission
to figure out how to make the Empire State more business-friendly
and change its reputation for high taxes. The New York state
government is now running commercials on national television
touting the tax breaks that businesses can get by relocating
:: Answer Your Softwares Question
Software developers often struggle with choosing
what kind of content to present on their website. To alleviate
this problem, we have defined a simple set of criteria that
will assist developers in providing the best variety of
content for their website visitors; if your websites content
is comprehensive, it should answer all of the following
:: Develop Content Worth
Linking To
All webmasters have heard the adage, content
is king. However, the struggle to discern what types
of content to develop is one that webmasters have yet to
conquer. If you are familiar with this dilemma, you should
know that Googles latest algorithm changes cause Google
to assess how visitors interact with a website. This data
from a visitors experience is now used in organic search
ranking. Therefore, you must create content that visitors
will not only click on, but that they will spend time reading
and even return to. For content development success, develop
content not only worth linking to, but worth spending time
:: 5 SEO Mistakes Small Businesses Make
Most businesses understand the importance of implementing
SEO tactics into their overall marketing strategy. However,
many executives still think that there is a one size fits
all SEO program, and by simply copying the same methods
as their competitors they will see an instant improvement
in their companies search rankings.
Unfortunately for these misguided professionals, a SEO strategy
is highly personal. Creating a tailored SEO strategy
customized for a specific business' profile, goals, and
budget can mean the difference between first page results
and search engine oblivion. This is especially
true for small businesses. With limited time,
resources, and specific audiences, small businesses need
to be extremely measured in how they implement their SEO
program in order to maximize their return on investment. Yet
many small businesses make the same mistakes over and over
in their optimization programs. The following
5 mistakes are the most egregious, and, when fixed, could
provide the biggest boost.
:: 2014 Small Business Wish
According to the j2 Global Forecast Survey,
28.16% of small business professionals say increasing their
online presence, such as setting up a website or online
store, is a top 2014 marketing priority. Other New Years
resolutions include adopting email marketing automation
to easily and efficiently reach customers (23.61%), using
email to effectively inspire referrals and sharing on social
networks (20.52%), implementing mobile marketing best practices,
such as for email and website optimization (13.76%), and
ensuring that email marketing efforts don't end up in the
spam filters or Gmail tabs (11.05%).
SMBs expect that 2014 will be a big year for mobile, as
well. And they want to do everything they can to prepare.
According to the survey, 70.27% of SMB professionals have
used or plan on using Facebooks mobile app for business
and marketing purposes. Twitter (43.24%), YouTube (34.79%),
and Instagram (16.29%) mobile apps are also must-haves for
next year.
:: 50 Coolest Businesses
This year we found the coolest small businesses
in New York, Austin, New Orleans, Detroit, Seattle, and
D.C., but small businesses in many other American cities
are continuing to innovate like never before.
These up-and-comers—like a floating island restaurant,
a vegan strip club, and a pirate supply shop— are shaking
up the food and retail industries.
:: SBA Seeks Business Names
The U.S. Small Business Administration New Mexico
District Office is seeking successful and inspiring entrepreneurs
to represent the state during the 2014 National Small Business
Awards event hosted by the SBA.
Nominations are due Jan. 17.
:: Affordable Care Impact on Small Businesses
But many small businesses, like mine, have also
been notified that the plans we offer our employees will
be canceled and replaced with more expensive alternatives.
This calls into question another of the Affordable Care
Acts promises — that it will not hurt hiring. As a small
business owner who is looking at the numbers, I can safely
say this promise simply is not true.
:: Working From Home
Developments in technology have made it possible,
if not easy, for small businesses and employees to telecommute.
Working from home can be quite a different experience from
an office job, and many find it a preferable one. However,
those who work from home may also face some of the intrinsic
downsides of telecommuting. To sort out the good and the
bad of telecommuting, we have compiled a list of the major
pros and cons that those who work from home might experience.
From Home
:: Building a Successful Community
Building an online community demands time and sustained
effort. While numbers are not everything when it comes to
communities, there are several tricks that can increase
the number of subscribers to your forum. However, it is
important to note that a large number of members does not
determine the success of a community; a smaller number of
active and interested members can often result in a very
successful online community.
a Successful Community
:: How to Use Pinterest
for Business
Remember that guy who created the perfect wedding
for his wife using her Pinterest? No. Well remember that
time you got a bunch of new customers using Pinterest? You
should. It is happening, this internet giant is making the
jump from time-waster to marketing tool with the rest of
it is social media friends, and it is time for all small
business owners to get on board.
:: Delay in Health Law for Small Businesses
The Obama administration on Wednesday announced
a one-year delay in a major element of the new health care
law that would allow small businesses to buy insurance online
for their employees through the new federal marketplace.
:: Small Businesses Compete
for Shoppers
Big-box retailers may be preparing for Black Friday
but for small, family-owned shops, this time of the year
is just as important for business. However, it is not always
easy for smaller retailers to compete.
Shopping in the village of La Jolla is far different than
walking through your local mall. Still, shopkeepers in the
village are also trying to make a living, which is sometimes
easier said than done.
:: Small Businesses Cautious
Small-business owners do not want to be Scrooge,
but a pessimistic outlook this holiday season means many
are cutting back on gifts, parties and bonuses.
A new survey from American Express OPEN indicates that less
than a third of small retailers think holiday sales will
be strong this year – down from 41% last year – and
34% of all small businesses expect this season will be weak.
The government shutdown and other economic uncertainties
are weighing heavily on small business owners’ minds,
says Alice Bredin, Small Business Advisor to American Express.
:: Need Business Cards?

:: Corporate Gifts
Need an Idea for a Corporate Gift? Check out some
of these websites for ideas.

Themed Gifts


Animal Gifts