:: Small Business Online Presence
As a small business owner, you want to do everything
in your power to make sure your small business grow and
become more profitable each year. Having a solid online
presence is crucial for a successful small business.
So how do you establish a good online presence?
:: Year of Uncertainty
In 2013, small business owners will contend with
many of the same issues that made it hard to run their companies
over the last 12 months.
They are also heading into the new year with a lot of uncertainty.
It is unlikely that negotiations in Congress will resolve
all of lawmakers disagreements over tax and budget issues
that affect small businesses. And there are still many questions
about the implications of the health care law for small
:: Small Business Tips to Stay Competitive
Staying competitive is not only a key component
of any successful small business, but it is also one of
the biggest challenges that small businesses face. Despite
those challenges, small business owners say they have a
number of simple and creative strategies that they employ
to stay ahead of the competition.
In particular, new research has found that 88 percent of
small business owners say they remain knowledgeable about
their business by paying attention to changes so they can
stay competitive.
:: Small Business Theory
in Cartoons

:: Cloud Benefits for Small Businesses
S: Sales Increases – less time dealing
with administrative matters means more time selling and
servicing customers.
M: More Control, Less Surprises – key business
stats and metrics are available in real time; small businesses
can make more informed decisions faster and never be out
of touch with the most important business data.
A: Accelerated Profits – real-time information
means better and more profitable decisions.
R: Real-time information means key business management
data is only seconds away, whenever and wherever the business
operator is.
T: Technology Enhancements — leads to decreased
cost and expense of an IT department — everything is in
the Cloud.
:: 6 Lessons Learned by
Small Businesses Dealing with Sandy
1. Reach out for help.
2. Tap the cloud.
3. Review your contingency plans.
:: Hawaii Ranks Low for Small Businesses
Hawaii was ranked sixth from the bottom for its
small business climate in an index by the Small Business
and Entrepreneurship Council that ranked states on their
policy measures and costs that impact small businesses and
Hawaii was ranked 46th on the index, which ranked states
according to 46 different policy measures, including tax,
regulatory and government spending measures.
:: Support for Sandy Impacted
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie appeared Friday
afternoon in the storm-battered beach town of Seabright
to announce a series of measures to help small business
owners get back on their feet.
The governor says his state will only fully recover from
Sandy when its businesses recover. He said the
state has already given out more than $50 million dollars
in small business disaster loans, and he noted that he has
formed a cabinet-level Office of Recovery and Rebuilding
to keep Sandy recovery on his radar. He also
said the state will begin conducting a Business Impact Assessment
this weekend to survey small business owners about what
resources and sorts of help they need, such as loans and
changes to streamline the permitting process as they rebuild.
:: Small Business Lose As Cliff Looms
Going over the cliff could have a range of negative
ramifications. If people have to pay higher taxes, they
will likely spend less. Businesses will hold off on hiring
or making investments that could help them expand. Federal
budget cuts will put billions in government contracts in
jeopardy. Economists and lawmakers warn that without an
agreement, the U.S. could slip back into a recession. And
they say that small businesses have the most to lose.
:: Google to Charge Small
Google has ended a free version of its Google Apps
online application suite for small businesses, saying it
wants to provide a stronger and more uniform experience
to users.
The Internet giant said Thursday in a blog post that now
even small businesses with 10 or fewer users will have to
pay to use its online app platform, a group that up until
now has been free. All businesses will now be charged US$50
per user, per year, for the service.
:: A Few Small Business Tax Tips
With just a few weeks left in 2012, theres very
little time left to implement ideas that will result in
tax savings for the year.
But do not throw in the towel just yet, there are still
some steps you can take
Section 179 Expensing: Furniture, equipment,
software, vehicles and capital assets are normally subject
to a write off over their useful life.
:: Uncertainty Still Hurting
Small businesses continue to fall short of their
billing as the nation’s most prolific job creators, and
the latest reports provide no reason to expect hiring to
pick up anytime soon.
In the month since the general election, which many economists
had hoped would alleviate some of the uncertainty they believed
was restraining job growth, small employers have instead
pulled back further on their already bleak hiring plans.
In fact, a new Gallup poll shows that small business owners
expect to add fewer new jobs in the coming year than they
have at any point since the depths of the recession in late
:: Small Business Jobs Are Scarce
November was a rough month for job growth at small
businesses, according to results from two recent reports.
Employment in private small business (companies with one
to 49 employees) payrolls rose by 19,000 in November on
a seasonally adjusted basis, according to the ADP Small
Business Report released today. In October, private small
business payrolls rose by an adjusted 52,000.
The effect of Superstorm Sandy was hardest on small companies.
:: Effective Communication
for Small Businesses
Clear and effective communication is key to winning
business, so it's important to choose your words wisely.
But for some small-business owners it can just be too hard,
and it keeps on getting put off … until tomorrow.
The head of the Australian School of Copywriting, Bernadette
Schwerdt, says writing involves the fine crafting of words,
and many small-business owners make the error of sitting
down to write off the top of their head without giving their
selection of words enough thought.
:: Small Business Health Care Dilema
Rose Wang looks at her staff of 70 employees and
wonders if she'll have to lay off some of them to comply
with the health care law.
The owner of Binary Group Inc., an information technology
firm based in Alexandria, Va., is one of many small business
owners who will be required to provide health insurance
for her staffers under a provision of the law that goes
into effect on Jan. 1, 2014. Wang already provides insurance,
but she has struggled with premiums that have soared as
much as 60 percent annually, so she requires employees to
contribute to their coverage.
:: Need to Create a Business
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:: Ways to Beat a Small Business Tax
As a certified public accountant and former Internal
Revenue Service agent, I know firsthand the thrills that
come along with a tax audit. And more importantly, I understand
the eerie feeling when the IRS determines your business
owes tax money.
The IRS audits only a small percentage of tax returns. But
if your business is one of the lucky few, understanding
the appropriate steps to take will determine whether or
not your outcome is favorable.
First, it is essential to understand how a tax return is
selected for audit. There are many reasons a tax return
could be chosen for an audit, including the following.
:: Check Us Out on Facebook
If you like the Small Business Software Blog consider
us on Facebook.
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:: Small Businesses Not
Keen on Groupon
This holiday season, small retailers are leaving
Groupon off their lists as far as sales strategy goes.
This shopping season is the biggest one of the year, and
small businesses often rely on sales made during this period
to bring them into the black as the year comes to a close.