:: Small Businesses Cautious
Small-business owners do not want to be Scrooge,
but a pessimistic outlook this holiday season means many
are cutting back on gifts, parties and bonuses.
A new survey from American Express OPEN indicates that less
than a third of small retailers think holiday sales will
be strong this year – down from 41% last year – and
34% of all small businesses expect this season will be weak.
The government shutdown and other economic uncertainties
are weighing heavily on small business owners’ minds,
says Alice Bredin, Small Business Advisor to American Express.
:: Need Business Cards?

:: Corporate Gifts
Need an Idea for a Corporate Gift? Check out some
of these websites for ideas.

Themed Gifts


Animal Gifts
:: Technology for Small
Businesses Lagging
According to a 2012 report by the Small Business
Administration, between 1993 and 2011, small businesses
helped create 64% of net new jobs in the United States.
Whether or not you believe they are the backbone of our
economy, it’s clear they represent a sizable percentage
of the U.S. economy and the way they use modern technology
to stay competitive has evolved significantly in the past
several decades.
Cloud technology that had once been too expensive and difficult
to use has become affordable, accessible, and pervasive.
However, while innovation in consumer and enterprise technologies
has flourished, advances in technology for small businesses
has lagged behind.
:: Small Business Saturday
Shop small is next Saturdays motto. On Nov. 30,
American Express holds its annual Small Business Saturday
event, offering a $10 credit to cardmembers who register
in advance, then shop at a small business that day and pay
with their American Express card.
But shoppers could also find other freebies and discounts.
The credit card company said 67 percent of small-business
owners nationwide are offering their own incentives to encourage
holiday shoppers to patronize them on the Saturday following
Thanksgiving and Black Friday.
:: Twitter Tightens Security
Twitter has implemented new security measures that
should make it much more difficult for anyone to eavesdrop
on communications between its servers and users, and is
calling on other Internet companies to follow its lead.
:: Building a Successful Community
Building an online community demands time and sustained
effort. While numbers are not everything when it comes to
communities, there are several tricks that can increase
the number of subscribers to your forum. However, it is
important to note that a large number of members does not
determine the success of a community; a smaller number of
active and interested members can often result in a very
successful online community.
a Successful Community
:: Globalize Your Small
Ninety-six percent of the world’s consumers live
outside the US, and they account for nearly two-thirds of
the world’s purchasing power according to the US Small
Business Administration. Despite these shocking statistics,
only one-percent of American companies currently exports
its products and services overseas. What was once a game
reserved for multinationals is now open to anyone. Why have
not small businesses gotten the memo?
:: Things You Need to Know About Small
Small businesses have had a tough time recently
with many finding it hard to survive. Here are 14 things
you need to know about small businesses.
:: Facebook Reviews
Facebook is entering the review game, but in the
social network’s case it includes a star rating system,
Facebook starred reviews. Facebook introduced the feature
recently for businesses with physical addresses. So for
those Web entrepreneurs who only have a website, this does
not seem an option at the moment.
:: Working from Home
Developments in technology have made it possible,
if not easy, for small businesses and employees to telecommute.
Working from home can be quite a different experience from
an office job, and many find it a preferable one. However,
those who work from home may also face some of the intrinsic
downsides of telecommuting. To sort out the good and the
bad of telecommuting, we have compiled a list of the major
pros and cons that those who work from home might experience.
From Home
:: Is Bing a Better Buy
than AdWords?
Data released yesterday by small business (SMB)
marketing platform Pricing Engine argues, as a number of
others have in the past, that Bing ads are a more efficient
buy than Google AdWords. While Google has more search volume
and higher CTRs, Bing emerges as a lower cost source of
leads for SMBs according to the companys analysis.
:: Local Networking
Small business columnist and author Steve Strauss
explains how small business owners can network with other
owners for support, in new and old ways.
:: Replace Deadlines with
As anyone who has ever pulled an all nighter in
college or basically lived at the office to get a product
launched can tell you, for most of us deadlines are quite
motivating. Having that big red circle on your calendar
coming closer and closer is the only way to get yourself
towards meeting the goals you have set for yourself, right?
Not really, suggests a thought-provoking recent post from
entrepreneur James Clear. While time pressure may have a
place in driving you to overcome that final hurdle to an
important achievement, Clear argues that if you really want
to accomplish more, you need to swap schedules for deadlines.