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us on Facebook.
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Gifts for Clients?
You can find some great gifts for clients
and customers on Zazzle or if you need somehting for
specific professions have a look at other sources of Gift
:: Small Businesses Not Keen on Groupon
This holiday season, small retailers are leaving
Groupon off their lists as far as sales strategy goes.
This shopping season is the biggest one of the year, and
small businesses often rely on sales made during this period
to bring them into the black as the year comes to a close.
:: Free Small Business Survival
Small businesses can download the free
small business seo guide.
:: Small Business Tax Rules
Tax rules are strict on home offices check out
these home office tax tips.
:: Small Business Recovery
From Sandy
After filling dumpsters with ruined inventory,
many owners of New York City's shops and restaurants find
themselves waiting on emergency loans and insurance companies
or trying to personally finance their recovery from Superstorm
The progress is uneven on lower Manhattan's trendy Avenue
C, which was heavily flooded during last weeks historic
A still unheated hardware store was doing a busy trade in
clean-up supplies and equipment but a supermarket on the
next block was still closed and in disarray a week and a
half after Sandy flooded its basement and sales floor. A
bar and beer shop across the street was open, but serving
a limited menu to fewer than usual customers.
:: Innovative Edge in a Tough Economy
Small businesses are using technology to operate
more efficiently and cost-effectively in a competitive world.
Each Monday, USA TODAY looks at how companies gain an innovative
edge in a tough economy.
:: Small Business Software Gets
Follow us and like us! Small Business Software
is getting social, please consider liking us and following
us on Facebook and Twitter.
Business Software has a new Facebook page, please like us
on Facebook!
SmallBizSoft on Twitter
:: Customer Service is Key
Customer service is the badge that every company
wants to wear because satisfied customers remain loyal to
you and recommend you to others. New customers require time,
effort and a significant marketing budget to acquire.
Service Tips
:: US Election Day - Small
Businesses Vote
It has been said that this election could be critical
to the future of small businesses. US citizens be sure to

:: Small Business Storm Recovery
As small business owners begin digging out their
businesses in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, navigating available
programs can be a challenge.
In order to address their needs, several city agencies and
officials have compiled tips for small and mid-sized businesses
and a list of ways to get help.
:: Small Businesses Using
the Cloud Effectively
Small businesses are using technology to operate
more efficiently and cost-effectively in a competitive world.
Each Monday, USA TODAY looks at how companies gain an innovative
edge in a tough economy.
:: Include Photos in Your Blog Posts
It is a fact blog posts that include images are
more widely read than those that do not have images.
Find themed royalty
free stock photos for only $.99 at Photo Wizard

:: Small Businesses Not
Worried About Cyber Security
U.S. small business owners or operators have a
false sense of cybersecurity as more than three-fourths
77 percent say their company is safe from cyber threats
such as hackers, viruses, malware or a cybersecurity breach,
yet 83 percent have no formal cybersecurity plan. These
findings are from a new survey released today of 1,015 U.S.
small- and medium-sized businesses by the National Cyber
Security Alliance and Symantec.
:: Feedback Makes Us Better
When someone with no economic interest says something
good about you, others tend to sit up and take notice, even
though they may have no real reason to trust that persons
opinion. Habitually deleting blatantly commercial
messages from our inboxes and chucking print ads that get
stuffed into our snail mailboxes, we undeniably remain suckers
for the human touch. Make no mistake. We still
swoon when reading the conversational tone used in print
when others talk to us about the merits of doing
business with someone else. Warm fuzzies well up within
us to read about the satisfaction another person felt when
he or she paid for a job well done. And we give thanks to
higher entities at the revelation that there are people
out there who will go the extra mile.
Makes Us All Better
:: Ready for Halloween?
Get Halloween Graphics!
Ready for Halloween? Checkout these fun Halloween
logos and graphic designs:

Graphics and Logo Designs