:: Small Business Politics
Although they are some of the busiest people in
the country, small-business owners find time to get involved
in the democratic process. Many of them feel they have no
choice but to push back on a government that sings their
praises while dipping its long arm into their coffers. Not
to mention all the times they get nudged, pushed or slapped
by its misguided policies.
:: Monetizing the Holiday
Because gift-giving and many other aspects of the
Christmas festival involve heightened economic activity
among both Christians and non-Christians, the holiday has
become a significant event and a key sales period for retailers
and businesses. The economic impact of Christmas is a factor
that has grown steadily over the past few centuries in many
regions of the world.
How to Monetize Christmas some ideas!


iPhone Cases

Return Address Mailing Labels

iPad Cases

Party Invitations

Web Design Elements

Greeting Cards

:: Small Business Saturdays
While Black Friday may be known as the busiest
shopping day of the year for large retailers, independently
owned boutiques are hoping the next day, Small Business
Saturday, will be their busiest day of the year.
Small Business Saturday is a day that is designated nationally
to supporting local busineses.
:: Technology Review Sites
Technology product review sites can be a valuable
resource for small businesses that need to make purchasing
decisions. Sites offer expert and consumer opinions, as
well as how-to information, competitive pricing locations,
and the latest news on technology trends.
is a list of technology review sites.
:: UK Small Businesses Optimistic
62 per cent of small business owners expect their
revenue to increase in 2012 27 percent plan to create new
jobs over next twelve months 65 percent say winning new
business will be their priority over the next twelve months
Britains small businesses expect to grow their profits and
employee headcount over the next 12 months despite the bleak
economic climate, according to a survey of 374 small businesses
by Simply Business, the UKs largest business insurance broker.
:: Regulatory Concerns are
The Issue
Many small business owners will tell you that
regulatory concerns hamper their plans to hire and expand.
But according to a new survey, where they really run into
difficulty is pinpointing exactly which regulations are
responsible for their problems.
Echoing the results of several recent studies, four out
of 10 small employers (between one and 25 employees) say
regulatory and legal problems are impeding the growth of
their businesses, according to the latest National Small
Business Poll released Tuesday by the National Federation
of Independent Business. More specifically, 82 percent of
them said the obstacles stemmed from government regulations.
But here is the real kicker: Of those who said regulations
were a major growth impediment, only 36 percent identified
a specific regulation or set of regulations that was responsible
for their problems.
:: Any Tips on How to Survive in a Seasonal
Any tips on how to survive in a highly seasonal
small business?
Many retailers encounter a huge spike in business during
the holidays. Seasonal businesses dedicate a large part
of the year to preparing for those certain weeks or months
when most of their revenue is generated.
Those boom times come at a price - a struggle for financial
survival throughout the remainder of the year, when business
slows to a trickle.
:: Problems of Fast Growing
•Hiring quality employees
•Controlling costs
•Motivating employees
•Training employees
•Wise use of capital
:: Prepare for Small Business Saturday
Small Business Saturday is coming up in two weeks
and it's not to early to prepare for it.
Experian Business Services recently listed 10 tips for preparing
for the day, Nov. 26. Small Business Saturday started last
year as way to encourage people to shop at local stores
and to think about small businesses as an important part
of their holiday shopping.
for Small Business Saturday
:: Why Small Businesses
U.S. small businesses, which are responsible for
almost two-thirds of new hires annually, are facing rising
barriers and an increasingly hostile relationship with Washington
due to federal regulations.
:: How Small Businesses Can Use Social
As a small business owner, it can be difficult
to decide where your time is best spent, especially since
your time really does equal money. Technology may make marketing
and customer service easier, but it can also be more time
consuming with existing, and potential, clients expecting
a 24-7 social media presence, and business owners wanting
to take advantage of every available opportunity to spread
the word of their product or service.
:: 6 Tips for Building Big
Here are 6 simple tactics that I have put together
to help small business owners to build a BIG brand:
:: Top Notch Resources for Small Businesses
This list of resources for small business leaders
and entrepreneurs includes Small Business Trends and our
sister site BizSugar and will supply plenty of ideas for
use in your own business.
Notch Business Recources
:: Small Businesses Leave
Big Banks
Bad relationships with big banks are leading more
small-business owners to switch to local banks, community
banks, or credit unions. While banks such as Wells Fargo
and Bank of America claim their small-business lending has
increased this year, many of the banks define small businesses
as those with less than $20 million in revenue.
:: Is It Too Late to Save on Taxes
As we near the end of 2011, can I do anything to
make sure I do not pay more taxes for my small business
than absolutely necessary?
:: Small Businesses Cutting
Back on Holidays
Small businesses are toning down their holiday
celebrations and gifts this year, experts say. Some spent
a little more in 2010 than they had during any other year
of the recession, but slow growth is making them scale back
:: Small Business Tax Deductions
Two generous tax breaks that small business owners
got during the recession are going to shrink dramatically
in 2012. That makes yearend tax planning more important
than usual.
The changes affect the deductions for purchases of equipment.
One is called the Section 179 deduction, a name taken from
a provision of the Internal Revenue Code. The other is called
bonus depreciation. Congress approved the breaks as an economic
stimulus move — they were intended to make it easier for
small businesses to expand and hire workers. Although the
economy is still slow, the breaks are being scaled back.
:: Interesting Small Business
October is Womens Small Business Month. There
are more than 27 million small businesses in the United
States, and over 7.7 million of these businesses are owned
by women. This is a 20.1% increase from 2002. Women -owned
businesses, where women own 51% percent or more of the stock
or equity, generated $1.2 trillion in receipts. Women-owned
businesses will account for one-third of the new jobs created
by 2018.
According to the 2007 Survey of Business Owners, almost
800,000 small businesses are owned by Latinas, more
than 900,000 small businesses are owned by Black/African-American
women, over 500,000 small businesses are owned by Asian-American/Native
Hawaiian and Pacific Islander women, and close to 15,000
small businesses are owned by American-Indian-Alaskan Native