:: Present Content Different Ways
Webmasters and marketers spend an inordinate amount
of time building quality content that relates to their products
or services. Yet the vast majority of these marketers fail
to fully capitalize on the content they were so careful
to create.
Webmasters can easily reformat their web content and present
it to their customers in a variety of different ways. And
different formats can be promoted through different channels.
The different formats will often appeal to new and different
audiences. For example: a video explanation may resonate
with a younger technical customer, while an eBook in PDF
format may appeal an older customer.
Content Different Ways
:: Building an Image with
a Logo
Website design can be elusive to even creative
individuals. Sadly some webmasters do not realize their
incompetence and they post websites that have grainy graphics
and turgid colors. If you are one of these webmasters and
have seen the error of your ways, consider this. Your website
is a sales tool. A professional layout and design can significantly
increase sales and conversion rates, gaining you customers.
Businesses can greatly benefit from a professional and unforgettable
logo that sets them apart from their competition. Logos
are not just fancy graphics that adorn websites or letterhead,
logos are a representation of a businesses' philosophy.
Logos are a critical component of brand development.
an Image with a Logo
Find ready made logo
designs for businesses.
:: Content Curation in Business
Many of the B2B companies that publish corporate
blogs have long realized the value of publishing useful
content in the form of white papers, case studies, webinars,
newsletters and other types of educational content.
Business buyers typically seek additional information and
resources for information on business products and services.
In the growing content marketing field, some companies choose
a pure creation strategy and find it to be a
Creation in Business
:: Emotion of Color in Web
Color psychology is a phrase used to describe the
effect that color has on human behavior. The
psychology of color is certainly not a new concept. In fact,
it has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
Colors tend to carry non-verbal and subliminal messages,
and the color spectrum evokes different emotions and physiological
responses in people. The reactions people have to specific
colors may be influenced by many factors, including their
culture, location, gender, or even their age.
The emotions that are evoked by various colors are not always
gender-specific. The same colors may generate one emotion
in men, while producing a completely different emotion in
women. Colors may also have different psychological impacts
in different cultures. In eastern cultures, white might
represent death; whereas in western cultures, white can
represent life, marriage, or rebirth. Colors may also have
a different impact on people in different age groups.
of Color in Web Design
:: Cell Phone Etiquette - Part 2
Cellular telephones, or cellphones, are an important
part of modern society. When Miss Manners wrote about good
manners and etiquette, mobile phones did not exist nearly
to the extent they do in our society today. In an effort
to assist cellphone users, we have written up some guidelines
to help people use their mobile phones appropriately while
navigating in polite society.
Phone Etiquette - Part 2
:: Ten Best Small Business Stories
Ten Best Small
Business Stories of the Week
:: Top Traits of Small Business Owners
Top of the list for successful entrepreneurs is
the ability to collaborate. Those who can delegate, build
strong relationships with their management teams, employees,
and others are more likely to click with customers.
The other five traits frequently found in flourishing small
business owners:
• Being self fulfilled. Good small business owners put
a high price on the fulfilment their companies provide them,
relish being their own boss, and enjoy being in control
of their personal income. They value doing something
for a living that I love to do, being able to decide how
much money I make, and being able to have the satisfaction
of creating something of value.
• Future-focused. Small business owners who thrive are
good at both short- and long-term planning. They are as
likely to have a well thought-out plan for the day-to-day
running of the business as a road map for how to run the
business for years.
• Curious. Good entrepreneurs are always reading and asking
questions. They want to learn everything from why a particular
business failed to how to find, motivate, and keep good
Traits for Small Business Owners
:: Create Buzz for Your Small
The success of a small business does not solely
depend upon the business' products and services. Moreover,
small business owners must understand the value of promotion
and advertising. For instance, people are constantly looking
for products and services that meet their ideals but if
businesses don't put much effort into getting the word out,
most likely potential customers won't know that such products
and services are catered by the said business.
Hence, small business needs to work on marketing the business.
They should understand that effective products and services
do not necessarily translate into sales. Consequently, business
owners are now starting to put a great deal of work into
such aspects of business management.
:: Interesting Thoughts on AdWords and
Organic Ranking
There are those who believe that paying for Google
AdWords ads will result in their previously invisible website
shooting up the regular rankings.
Sadly that simply is not the case. AdWords ads are completely
separate from the organic listings.
However there is a very real possibility that ads may impact
the CTR of organic listings, or, for that matter, vice-versa.
and Ranking
:: Domain Name Suggestions
Innovative, memorable, and compelling domain names
are becoming more and more difficult to come up with. The
following tools can help webmasters find great domain names
for their online businesses....
Name Suggestions
:: 10 Most Hated Companies
Hating BP is a cottage industry nowadays. A Google
search on the term I hate BP pulls up more than 13
million hits.
But it would be wrong to allow BPs folly to completely overshadow
all the other corporate miscreants out there whose behavior
is also worthy of your contempt.
Big business has done a great job of making people angry
so far in 2010. There are companies that, at various times,
soaked up billions of taxpayer dollars, jacked up fees just
to show they could and provided customers with unbelievably
bad service. Meanwhile their execs made off with millions.
Great job, guys.
So here is our assessment of the 10
most hateable companies that are not named BP.
:: Ways to Save
As a frugal blogger, I recommend lots of tips that
will save you small amounts of money. I think these tips
are worthwhile, especially if they save you money on expenses
that are reoccurring. However, before you invest too much
time in frugal tips to save a little money, you should make
sure that you have cut your big expenses first. Concentrating
on the big items first may seem obvious, but many people
are oblivious to their big expenses or feel that there is
no way to reduce them. You do not want to be penny-wise
and pound-foolish.
to Save
:: Google Caffeine
Google announced the completion of its new web
indexing system, called Caffeine, in a blog post Tuesday.
According to Google, Caffeine will provide at least 50 percent
fresher results for web searches than its last index.
Google started testing Caffeine in August 2009, and it was
suggested that Caffeine would go live after the holidays.
Googles old search index consisted of several layers, some
of which were refreshed at a faster rate than others--the
main layer updated every couple of weeks. Basically, this
meant that content was not added to the Google search index
until a layer was refreshed, so there was a significant
delay between publishing content and having it show up on
the search engine.
About Google Caffeine
:: 10 Things We Still Print
that Could be Digital
When was the last time you wrote a check? 2004?
Well, if you’re like most people, the bank keeps sending
you little reminders, pestering you to order more. We live
in an increasingly digitized world, and with every new invention
comes fewer reasons to print things like checks. Yet we
still have them, and many other things that could just as
easily be digital, saving us not only paper, but time and
Things We Print that Could Be Digital
:: 7 Tips to a Successful Landing at a
Large Company
1. Drink the right water through the firehose
Do not be like this little kid who did not see what was
coming. Large companies are complex beasts and in the first
few weeks the sheer amount of information you think you
need to absorb and the often critical decisions you need
to make can easily overwhelm you. A good manager should
help you filter what is important and what is not and help
you navigate the info-storm, but...you need get used to
the fact that for some time to come a lot of things just
aren't going to make sense to you that you really feel you
should have a good grasp on. It is OK. Do not panic.
to Be Employed at a Large Company
:: Reasons Why People Fear
Starting a Business
Starting a new business can be a turbulent undertaking.
For one thing, there are no guarantees of success. Businesses
fail every single day, and plenty of entrepreneurs come
away with nothing to show for months or years of hard-fought
effort. The idea of sacrificing a steady salary for an uncertain,
hoped-for payday also tends to provoke anxiety.
Reasons People Fear Starting a Business
:: Great Logo Designs for Small Businesses
Find a great business logo design for only $9.95.
Search has a variety of inexpensive logo designs to
choose from that can be easily customized in a graphic editor.

:: Tips for Blog Posting
Coming up with ideas for new blog posts on a regular
basis can be a challenge, even for the most prolific writers.
Experience shows that readers tend to favor certain types
of posts more than others. Here are some popular types of
blog posts that you might want to use for those times when
inspiration simply does not strike.
for Blog Posting
:: Software to Create RSS Feeds
Software to create
RSS feeds and podcasts.
:: Small Business Challenges
As they try to reel in customers, USA TODAYs Small
Business Challenge participants have employed a range of
marketing tactics — from handing out coupons to establishing
Facebook fan pages. Still, some are struggling to figure
out the best way to promote their firms.
:: Small Business Hurricane Preparation
June marks the beginning of hurricane season and
Travelers has developed a list of the top five things that
small business owners can do to make sure their businesses
are properly protected should a storm hit.
:: Top 1000 Websites on the
Google has posted a list of the top
1000 websites. These are the sites to get backlinks
from to boost your popularity.
:: Software Industry Conference - for
Internet Marketers and Developers
The 20th Annual Software
Industry Conference will be held on July 15 - 17, 2010
in Dallas, Texas at the Hyatt Regency DFW Hotel.
The Software Industry Conference is a three day event that
culminates with a Networking Gala Dinner that gives software
developers and publishers an opportunity to form partnerships
and alliances. The conference also includes dozens of informative,
educational breakout sessions covering a wide variety of
topics that are critical to the success of Independent Software
Developers (ISVs).
The conference includes more than forty educational seminars
and presentations that are designed to help developers sell
more software. Presentations by industry experts include
topics such as profiting from Google Adwords, marketing
more effectively, providing income-producing customer support,
working with translation and localization services, sending
press releases, developing Software as a Service (SaaS)
applications, avoiding legal pitfalls, reducing chargebacks,
and creating affiliate networks.
The conference allows plenty of time to network with other
software developers and software industry service providers.
The conveniently-located daily breakfasts in the Hyatt Regency
DFW Hotel make it easy for conference attendees to meet
and socialize with fellow industry members. You can even
attend the annual meetings and luncheons of two industry
trade associations, ESC and ASP.
The casual SIC conferences are known for their family-friendly
atmosphere. Many software developers turn their trips to
SIC into mini-vacations.
For more information about SIC 2010, visit http://www.sic.org/
:: Three Best Ways to Expand
Expanding overseas in the current economy may seem
like a pipedream for small-business owners. But many have
taken the plunge despite the recession, allowing them to
diversify their risk and client base in markets abroad.
In fact, the U.S. Commercial Service, which helps U.S. companies
expand into foreign markets, says that 23% of its clients
exported for the first time, entered a new market, or increased
their international market penetration in 2009. That is
up 3% from 2008.
Ways to Expand Overseas